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We start of with a four year old by crying over a body of a man and woman that boy Izuku he has a quirk called Nephilim.

He got these wings the day he turned four unfortunately that was also the last time he saw his parents as they were murdered by a villain luckily Izuku was able to hide. He had no idea why his parents were attacked but he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

"FEAR NOT FOR I AM- VILLAIN!!!" All Might shouted. He was about to punch the boy until he saw the boy was scared and crying and his arm was stopped by a scarf. "Moron he isn't the one who killed them they're his parents you big oaf" a hobo looking man said in a monotone voice. "OH THEN HOW COME THERE IS NO ONE ELSE HERE!!!" "ARE YOU *sobs* THAT FUCKING *sobs* STUPID WHY WOULD I *sobs* KILL MY OWN PARENTS!!!" Izuku yelled in tears.

"Did you see who did it?" The hobo man asked Izuku just nods yes then explains what happened. *after explaining* "happy you muscle bound prick" Izuku said after he stopped crying. All Might just looked down in shame. "Oh by the way Toshi *this shocked the duo* Nana would be disappointed in you accusing her grandson of killing his own family especially her own daughter" Izuku said.

All Might asked for prove then Izuku ran to his moms room woth the duo following. Izuku then handed them a photo of him being held by the dead couple as a baby and a woman with black hair and her outfit was black, white and gold. All Might broke down in tears after saying that it was indeed her.

(Pretend Nana Shimura is just three steps behind them in her hero outfit)

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(Pretend Nana Shimura is just three steps behind them in her hero outfit)

"Your comin with us kid we have to take you to Nezu he'll know what to do oh and ypu can trust us we're heroes I'm Eraserhead and this bozo is All Might" "ok Mr. Hobo man" Izuku said causing All Might to chuckle at this.

"Aizawa" he said "what?" "My name's Aizawa kid not Hobo ok?" Aizawa said. "Ok Aizawa" Izuku replied.

Time skip

"Here we are U.A." Aizawa said "so big" Izuku said while feeling starstruck. "Come on young Izuku we better go in" Toshinori said. Izuku just nodded as he followed the two pro hero's to Nezu's office.

*knock knock*

"Come in" a voice said from behind the door. As they entered Nezu saw Izuku "is this the boy you told me about?" He asked the two adults they nodded yes. He then looked at Izuku and asked "so am I a mouse, a bear or a dog?" "Simple your all three which makes you a chimera sir" Izuku replied shicking the three teachers.

"That's right your the first person to actually get it right I'm amazed oh and I'm sorry about your parents young one" he said Izuku knew he was being sincere and replied with "it's ok sir I know that they're in a better place now and I kinda cried my eyes dry anyways" Izuku replied. "What do you want to be when your older young one?" Nezu asked "that's easy sir I want to be a hero so I can be there for those who can't defend themselves, so I can be there for those who wish to turn to villainy because they believe that's all they'll be good for when that isn't true I want to be there with a smile on my face that says don't worry because I am here but I don't want to do it for fame and popularity those kinds of hero's a just painting targets on their backs as well as their families" Izuku replied.

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