sleepover turns bloody pt2 (slight edit)

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Himiko's P.O.V.

After we got to know each other we realised it was late so Kurogiri cooked food for everyone who stayed. Those who stayed apart from me, Kurogiri, Izuku and the two girls Mina and Tsu were AFO, Dabi, Midnight, Aizawa and Nezu.

"So when can we expect grandkids?" AFO and Nezu asked we all almost choke on our food at this. "We will talk about that when we are ready not before" Izuku said with us girls agreeing with him.

"So who's gonna tell them me or one of you?" Izuku asks Nezu "I think it'll be better if you tell them" he said Izuku just nods then Tsu asks "tell us what?" "Simple Tsuyu Asui and Mina Ashido welcome to U.A." he said with a smile the two girls think he's pulling their legs until Aizawa hands them the acceptance letter. They end up hugging him with tears in their eyes.

"Ok first congrats but *looks at watch* damn we better get some sleep look at the time" Izuku said and as he did everyone noticed it was already 22:30. "Night everyone" we all say as we go to our rooms.

"Uhm Izu/Midori where are we going to sleep?" Tsu and Mina ask "simple in her with us" he says nonchalantly. After we all get changed Izuku decides the sleeping arrangements. "Right Himi you get the bed Tsu you get the futon along with Mina since that can hold two people and I have the sleeping bag no questions or arguing" he said as he climbed into his sleeping bag and dozed of to sleep.

Before we go to sleep ourselves we put the futon next to the bed and have Izu laying in the middle with me on his chest while both Mina and Tsu are at either side of him Tsu on the left and Mina on the right.

Next day Nobody's P.O.V.

Izuku had already woken up he could be seen in the gym practicing his Diablo quirk as well as continuing his workout routine.

It's been 5hrs and everyone else had decided to look for Izuku in the obvious spot the gym. Toga, Asui and Ashido were having trouble getting their words out due to Izuku being shirtless. "You gonna stay there or join in?" He asked only for Himiko to jump on his back pressing her chest into it the moment he started his push ups.

150 push ups later she jumps off only for Mina to take her place for another 150. "If I knew you loved me being shirtless I would've done it sooner" he said causing Mina to blush a deep lilac. "Right that's 150 Tsu you wanna hop on?" Izuu asks she just nods then swap places with Mina. 30mins later "145... 146... 147... 148... 149... 150 and done" she said.

"Right we better get a shower oh just so you know the showers are separated by gender the girls are down that hall *points to double doors on his right* to the left while the boys are down this way *points to double doors to his left* to the right" he said before leaving.

Time skip 2 weeks Izuku's P.O.V.

It's the first day of class and I noticed how I'm the only boy students wise in this class thankfully I have three faces I love in this class to bad they won't know until they enter.

Around 5mins later they finally came in and spotted me sitting at the back. "Hey girls" I said as I waved "babe you could have said something" they all say at once shocking the class. "Why?" I said feigning innocence "sorry we had to get payback one way or another so yeah" Himi said.

I then go upto them and say "well in that case" *kiss* *kiss* *kiss* "that's my payback now come on let's go sit down class is about to start" I tell them. "Your quiet good let's keep this up for the next three years" Aizawa said as he came in.

"Right get these on and meet me outisde" he said as he threw us our gym uniforms.

"Izuku you have your quirk back so here" he said as he threw the ball to me "now use it to it's fullest" he added. I just nodded as I walked upto the circle and shifted my arm and threw it then blasted it using my guns to make it go further.

"35km" he said surprised "warning I held back because if I used it to it's fullest then I would have caused them to leave U.A." I told him he just nodded in understanding. "That's what I want you all to achieve while here oh and last place gets expelled" he said with his signature grin.

I just shook my head as I walked back to everyone else. "Cocky bastard" someone mumbled "what bastard?" I asked "is there a problem?" Aizawa asked "yeah a dipshit just said I'm a cocky bastard because I have a fucking heart" I said.

"Ah Neita Monoma quirk copycat" Aizawa said "I challenge Izuku to a duel" Monoma said "ok" I shrugged we then got in position and "FIGHT!!!" Aizawa shouted I rushed at Monoma using devil trigger and hit her from behind "Izuku wins" Aizawa stated.

"Well that was fun thanks sensei" I said "no problem" he said we then headed back to class as Neita got expelled for challenging the principal's adopted son and the vice principal's biological son.

"Right we will get to know each other's names and quirk's so Aizawa you go to the staff room to sleep" I said he just nodded said thanks and left.

"Toru Hagakure quirk well self explanatory I'm invisible" "Mina Ashido my quirk is acid" "Tsuyu Asui quirk frog" "Momo Yaoyorozu quirk creation" she said as a small wooden box came out of her hand.

"Himiko Toga quirk transform" at this both me and Himi went outside she took some of my blood via a syringe into a vial we then went into the classroom she drank the blood and bam she turned into me.

"Izuku quirks Diablos and weapon summons powers nephilim" I said. "Kyoka Jiro quirk my earphone jacks" after her everyone else went but I wasn't paying attention. A brunette then came upto me and asked "what are you doing Izuku?" "Midoriya" "what?" "To you my name is Midoriya only Himi, Tsu and Mina can call me by my first name" I told her.

"Why though?" She asked "simple Himi is my fiancé and both Mina and Tsu are my girlfriends I don't know you so that's why" I told her getting annoyed with her. "I can fix that name's Ochaco Uraraka quirk gravity" she said as she held her hand out. 'JESUS FUCKING CHRIST SHE'S PERSISTENT' "well hello Uraraka call me Midoriya not Izuku got it" I demanded scaring her a little. "Hey Izu just leave her kero" Tsu said getting annoyed by her as well.

"Ok Tsu come on you two where heading back to my dorm building" I said as I looked at both Himi and Mina. Leaving Uraraka and the rest of the class there gobsmacked.

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