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Will you remember me?
When the world is "fine" and you're as good as you'll ever be.
Or when I am famous, you'll be knocking at my door - I'm pretty sure I'll remember the pain you had me endure.
When my name is rising, when my face is shining and you're in the crowd of my first sold out show.
Will you remember me?
Or do I have to be legendary?

Would you notice if I picked up a mic and screamed?
or would your attention only come if it's costs fifty bucks for the seat?
Would you care if my first record changed lives or only care if it hit top ten online.
You wouldn't even see my words if I scribbled them on your face, let alone if I gave them to the entire human race.
You didn't join my facebook event.
Just waited till I had a million likes, then boasted about our relation on my social media site.

Head banging.
Mosh pitting.
Better friends then you've even been.
My life sucked, but now I woke up.
You never noticed me, but you pretend you did?
You know nothing about me.
I died to myself back in the 8th grade.
You never came to my funeral, but now I'm going places.

You never cared, but now you do.
Don't worry, I'll never hate you.
I needed help, I sat alone.
But you were busy tending to your perfect world.
My name's in lights, I am employed.
You think through me you're going to find popularity?
I'm only here because I care about people who lost it all.
Now I am strong, and you now know you were wrong about me.
Don't worry, you've been forgiven.

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