chapter 1 : When they first danced

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It was a hot and windy spring day and Diane was walking back to her room, which was one of the rooms that she shared with her roommate in a three bedroom apartment.There were six of them in total, three pairs of roommates. All girls as per their landlord's wishes. So after a long walk with the wind in her hair and the sun spreading warmth all over her body " too much warmth if you ask me,who am I you ask? Well I'm the narrator and a very close friend of miss Diane " she finally reached her destination also known as the kitchen of their small but decent apartment. Since it was extremely hot she kept the door open after she was done making lunch in the kitchen which by the way was facing the balcony, and as fate would have it a couple of minutes later he was standing right there staring at the magnificent view, and when Diane caught sight of him a vicious argument was brewing in her head. Her heart suggested that she went over to him and talk to him but her mind thought that was an awful idea. She felt like this was her chance and she needed to take it, you know go over there and just talk to him, I mean how hard could it be. Nope he's probably going to reject you on the spot rebutted her mind. Oh my god just go over there and say something to him yelled her heart. So she carried with her every ounce of her remaining courage and approached  the balcony and tried not to faint on the way there  " her words not mine "  Diane finally spoke after a few seconds of standing next to the stranger

Diane : hi

Ethane said hey to her without any moment involved or so much as a glance at her , but determined to have a long and interesting conversation with him she continued

Diane : ( with a smirk on her face) Are you bored? And if so why?

Ethane now staring straight at her face " my friends are away for the weekend usually I hang with them at their place". "When are they coming back?" asked Diane.  Even though secretly she was grateful they're gone because she was enjoying every second of talking to him. Ethane trying not to sound concerned just said he wasn't really sure when they would be coming back, after that about three minutes passed and the silence was a bid Awkward so Diane spoke again while pointing "oh! nice you have a tattoo that's cool".  See at this moment in time she wanted to touch the tattoo but she wasn't sure he would be comfortable with that but when she lifted her face to search for emotion on Ethane's face he simply gave her a nod in agreement. She read the tattoo in a low tone almost like a whisper while tenderly running her fingertips on his inner wrist feeling the texture of the art on his fit body. Then slowly removing her fingers she asked what it meant and he told her it meant a nobel son in Swahili. She then finally asked what she had been longing to ask " Do your parents know about this?" He assured her that his mom knew about it and she thought it was cute.

Ethane realising that they're still strangers to each other said " hey so I  didn't catch your name " and Diane replied "my name?" She thought about it for a while and finally said : you know what just call me what everyone around here calls me, Kiddo.

Ethane : Kiddo?

Okay so you see that brief moment where she nearly did the normal thing and told him her name, well she didn't because she was kinda hoping he would remember. They had actually met before. It was on some Friday night when him and his friends were so drunk they decided to knock on  Diane's apartment door. She was in her room talking to Samantha on the phone like she did every Friday night when the others went out. That's how she got the nickname , the girls said she wasn't doing what other young adults were doing you know going out late at night,make-up, and of course drinking, well that and the fact she still relied sorely relied on her parents for financial aid for her studies while all the other girls had bursaries or worked part-time.

"Why don't  you just tell me your real name" Ethane asked.

"It's a secret that's for me to know and for you to find out " replied Diane with a mysterious look on her face.

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