Chapter 1 ~*~ Girls and Games

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All my life I've never had any luck with making friends myself. I don't really have any Interests with other people and I'm always extremely aware of their eyes, so I did all I could to not stand out against people.

Since he was my age and lived close by, Kuro became my one friend. I don't like sports very much but I have always played around with volleyball when Kuro was there. We would always find new ways of spiking from tv so i learnt to read where he was going and what type of spike he was going for and adjust myself and the set accordingly.

Kuro Is a year older than me so he left for Nekoma High and joined their volleyball team. I wanted to leave the one I was on because Kuro wasn't there but he told me it was just a year and that we can still practice at the park together. That led to us practicing every friday afternoon and soon to staying the night at Kuro's each Friday.

After that year had passed it was time for me to go into high school, so I applied for Nekoma high since Kuro was there. I joined the volleyball team and made a few new friends, with the help of Kuro that is. I started to grow out my hair in that year and not too long ago I dyed it but my hair has grown so the roots are back to their natural blackness. Kuro and I still practice on Fridays and then go to his place for the night. I'm at his place that often I have spare clothes at his place, even though my house is a ten minute walk away.

"Well... I just don't know, Okay! She was just using me anyways..." Kuro had just broken up with his 'latest catch', who is also known as his ninth girlfriend this year. Over the past few years, Kuro has.. Ummm, how do I say this? Become very... toned in certain places, and has gained the achievement of 'wears bed head because it makes you look sexy', I blame volleyball for this and refuse to accept that he is naturally that attractive.

"Helloooo? Did you get too involved with animal crossing again?" Kuro poked his head in front of my Nintendo switch screen, I gave him a sarcastic look of, 'Yes I'm listening' and shoved his head out of the way.

"So I now have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life!" Kuro threw his hands in the air and hit me.

"Ow! What happened to me, huh? I need attention too-"

"You. Are. A. Cat."

"No. I. AM. Not."

"Prove it then."

In response to his stupidness I leaped off of his bed and went into his cupboard and shut the door whilst saving and closing animal crossing just in case he takes it away from me. 

"Kenma~ Hiding is a small space such as my closet is just what a cat would do~"


"Now hurry up and come out, I have hold of your switch case!"

"I am not coming out, I have animal crossing!"

"Suit yourself~ But I have a better offer!"

I slid the door open a small amount to peek out at him, "And what might that be?"

"Ummmm... you have to get out of there first..."

"No." I rolled the door shut and went back to shaking more trees.



I heard Kuro get up from his bed and then a door opening then closing, Now it was time to guess if he went out to the kitchen or into his bathroom, since his parents decided they didn't want the shared bathroom to be with a teenage boy who doesn't know what clean means, they let him have the master bedroom. I slipped out of the cupboard quietly so if he were in the bathroom, he wouldn't hear me or notice. I peered around seeing no sign of Kuro and made my way back to my spot on his bed, the dead center just to be annoying.

"I knew you would stop hiding after I 'left', just like a cat~" Kuro stepped out from the hidden spot snickering.

"Hey siri? How do I shut this thing up?"

Here's what I found on the web for 'How do I shut this thing up'.

"I have no off button! How dare you!"

"Is that why you're always looking for a girlfriend? Because-"

"I will stop calling you a cat if you stop right there!"


It was soon time for dinner which then somehow meant sleep, but to my dismay I refused to sleep whilst there were people to fight in Smash bros. So most of my night was spent fighting CPUs until my switch needed a charger, so I uncovered the sheets of Kuro's bed. The next part was difficult, my charger was plugged in at the power point under his desk, which was across the room and Kuro was fast asleep on the floor. Now Don't get me wrong, it is very fun to wake up your friend at 2AM but last time he nearly killed me, so he was the worst obstacle possible right now. I shuffled out of the large bed locking my eyes onto what I thought was the target. I made my way over, stepping into the futon Kuro was asleep on then trying to leap over his large frame.

I heard Kuro grunt and roll over and I almost tumbled to the floor with my switch in hand, "kenma..." I froze the second I heard him mumble my name, "What are you doing up?" Kuro sat up rubbing his eyes sleepily facing my direction.

"Bathroom?" I lied obviously, he would kill me if he knew I was awake playing games.

Kuro groaned once again, "you could get to my bathroom door without having to take a skip, hop or jump, you're either headed to my desk or sneaking out to meet a girl!" Kuro sleepily pointed his finger in the air and sighed as he brought it down, "So which is it? Are you leaving me for games or a girl?"

I silently shuffled over to his desk hoping he wouldn't notice,"Uhh..." I placed my switch down so he would think it had been there all night, just in case he turned his lamp on, which he did. I hissed at the sudden light that shone in my red raw eyes.

"You've not slept have you?" Kuro obviously saw that I had been up all night, "Now it is definitely a game."

"Noooo, I've just not been able to sleep"

"Then pass me your phone and switch" He smirked too cockily for my liking whilst i handed over my phone and switch, "Your switch is nearly dead and your phone is at 43-"

"O-okay... I was up playing games all night! But it was only because I couldn't sleep, so i figured it would pass tim-"

"Go lay back down."


"Go on, I'll read you one of my stories."

"One of the ones you made up as kids about dragons and war?"

"Not entirely," he grabbed his laptop from atop his desk as I plugged in my switch, "This one was written not too long ago," I made my way back into kuro's bed as he opened the device up and logged in.

"If it's romance, you know I will kill you."

"It's not," I laid there listening to him typing in pass codes and clicking into his documents where he kept all of his stories for safe keeping, "It was another cold day at tuskin high for the two boys..."

So updates will be slower than my other book 'His Face' which is another ship from Haikyuu, but I am trying my best. No promises with how long chapters will be because I am going into a much bigger step regarding the amount of school work I get this year, which sadly means school has to come first. I will post on my board a week beofre i post any updates on either of my stories so be sure to follow for a heads up on any and all updates!


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