Chapter 13

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"W-what?" Yashua says shock

"I'm sorry did you just say pregnant?" I ask

"No, no im sorry but no there's no way" Richard fusses

"H-how long, how?"

"I'm 3 months that's why I've been getting all these weird cravings and my belly is starting to be more noticeable"

"Wait but yash didn't you guys break up 4 months ago?" Richard asks Yashua

"Yeah we did"

"I'm sorry and how exactly do we know it's his when you cheated on him" I say with an 'attitude'

" because when Yashua caught me I had already cut things with the guy I found out I was pregnant a month after me and yash broke up and I know it's not the other guys because I broke up with him a month before Yashua caught me"

"How did he catch you if you broke it off?" I ask being nosy

"I never deleted the messages"

"I'm gonna be a father" Yashua says all exited

"Yes baby you are" Angie says, Yashua runs to her and hugs her then kisses her

"I can't with this shit, that's not going to be my niece or nephew until I see the results that it really is a Camacho" Richard says raising his voice

"Bro don't be like that I wasn't like that when I found out about Aaliyah"

"Yeah because yocylen wasn't a gold digger"

"Cant you be a supportive brother for once in your stupid life Richard?"

"I am but it's not my fault you make such shitty decisions, you know what? I can't with this shit" Richard turns around and goes outside and I follow after him

He was furious like I was literally able to see the smoke coming out of his ears, I reach towards his arm and grabbed it

"Hey calm down it's okay I get you're pissed off but let's calm down first, yeah?" I say in a sweet calming tone while stroking his cheek he grabs my hand softly and closes his eyes and takes deep breaths

"I don't know what I would do without you" he says smiling, I smiled back and replied

"You would probably have murdered Yashua and Angie by now" I say smiling he laughs and I smile even more seeing that's he's not mad anymore

"You feel better now?" I ask

"Yeah I do" he says nodding, he pulls me into his embrace and hugs me and says "we need to talk later" i look up at him and nod

"Omg Richard your cut cmon I'll clean it for you"

"No need beautiful it's okay it's just a small cut"

"So? It can still get infected cmon where's the first aid kit?"


"Pues vamos" I pull him into the bathroom with me and I grab the first aid kit

"Okay you're too tall for me"

"You know that's funny because I'm short compared to the boys"

"Yeah well im short and Im not the boys so take it or leave it"

He laughs by what I said and he sits down instead so that I can clean his cut

"Ugh now with you sitting I can't clean it well because the light isn't hitting it"

"I have an idea" he says I raise my right eyebrow and he smirks at me he gets up and picks me up my legs were wrapped around his waist

He walks us to the sink and he sits me down on it and he gives me a smile I couldn't help but blush

Why am I feeling like I have butterflies in my stomach? I feel my face heat up and when he was caring me our face was so close that for a quick second I thought of just going in and kiss him

Not only that but I lowkey felt his um yeah that and I just know it's big JDUSJAHUA NO Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT HES OUR FRIEND CALM DOWN FOCUS

"This is better isn't it? The light is perfect and you can reach me now" he says smiling

"Y-yeah, um come here so that I can clean that up"

He comes and stands in between my legs and bends down a bit for me to clean it and so I do

Richards POV:

Y/n started cleaning my cut I couldn't help but stare at her, I felt butterflies in my stomach, when she put some alcohol it burned and I made a hissing noice from the sting

"Shhhh it's okay I'm sorry" she says

"It's okay do what you gotta do"

She nods and goes back to doing what she was doing, she finished and put a small band-aid on it and she says "done" with a smile

I look up at her looking at her eyes and then down to her lips her breathing got heavier and I looked at her eyes and asked

"May I?"


if you would to give me some ideas im open to them:))

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if you would to give me some ideas im open to them:))

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