Chapter 5: Tigger's Family Reunion

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Tigger: Where could they be? What if they made a wrong turn at Albuquerque? I'm coming to rescue the lot of you Tiggers!

Everyone: Surprise!

Tigger: Is it really you? My family?

Ash: I'm Bash the Tigger!

Pikachu: Huh?

Ash: And this is my best friend, Zappy!

Pikachu: Zappy? What?!

Ash: He's a Tigger Pokémon.

Tigger: Well, come on in!

Roo: Great to have all the Tiggers here together, right?

Pikachu: Definitely!

May: Vase water?

Max: Go with it.

Croagunk (thought bubble): If only we had mouth holes on these costumes.

Brock: We've been busy bouncing, which on account is what Tiggers like us do best.

Tigger: Why don't we play Pin the Tail on the Donkey?

Ash: Don't mind that donkey's tail, it's only an accessory.

May: Let's go bouncing!

Everyone was having a good time dancing to the beat.

Roo: Let's do the Whoop-dee-Dooper, Loop-dee-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce!

Tigger: Tiggeriffic idea!

Ash: Smallest goes first.

Roo: Swing that leg up high, twist that tail, wind up all of your springs and let it all loose!

Roo bounced all around the room and landed in the closet.

Ash: Oh my! You okay?

Roo: I'm alright!

Tigger: Roo?! Whatcha doing impersonating a Tigger?

Pikachu: I have something to say. That thing about a Tigger Pokémon. It was all a fib. We're not Tiggers.

Ash: We just wanted to help, Tigger!

Tigger: I understand what's going on. It was a joke. It's fine. Somewhere out there, is a Tigger family tree with my real Tigger family. I'm gonna find it. So, TTFE.

Max: Acronym for tata forever.

Tigger went out to find his real family tree.

Later that night

Corphish: What have we done? Tigger's out there all alone in the cold, chilly snow.

Ash: Tigger's even more upset.

Roo: Ash, May, Max, Brock! You gotta help me find Tigger! This is all my fault!

Ash: It's not your fault, Roo.

Blaziken: Don't worry, we shall find him!

Max: We shall go on the expedition to find Tigger!

May: We'll need the help of Rabbit!

Rabbit's House

Rabbit: Absolutely not!

Pikachu: What?! But Tigger's lost out there! He made things brighter for us all!

Skitty: We miss him so much!

Rabbit: All right, I'm in.

To be concluded...

In the final chapter Ash and Co will start to search for Tigger. See ya soon folks!

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