I think I love you

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So here I am on my birthday. Alice comes and picks me up. I swear she is hyper all the time. I have no idea how jasper puts up with this for 70 years.(dont know how long they were married my bad). So here I am in the pixie physco's car. She chose my clothes god I hate these clothes. (Photo at the top). With some white jeans. The jeans are okay but the top is uggggggggly.
So here we are at the cullens house.(a/n different house than the movie also pic on side.) Okay so jasper in all is beautification is  on the porch. You probaly guess it I might have a little crush on jasper. It started all on that day when they walked in the cafeteria. I just felt connected somohow to jasper. (A/n I forgot to give credit to Stephanie Myers for her characters.)

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