Grade One: Frosty the Snowman:

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Snowmen are basically the most awesome thing ever, second only to the zoo.

His mom kisses his forehead as she rings the doorbell at the Hummel's front door. "Mom," Blaine admonishes, gently pushing her. "Go away." First graders can't get kissed by their mom, oh my god that is so embarrassing.

She gives him an indulgent smile as she totally and blatantly ignores his direction. "I'll be back in a few hours," she tells Kurt's mom when she opens the door. "Let me know if you need anything. Or if you need me to take the boys for a few hours."

His mom sounds concerned and weirdly sad but Blaine mostly doesn't care because all he wants to do is get inside and run up the stairs to Kurt's room so that they can watch Frosty for the umpteenth time. He stares at them both, hoping his impatience is obvious.

"Fine, fine," his mom says, "Go on in."

He hears both of their moms laugh as he books it upstairs.

"Did you start it without me?" he asks breathlessly as he pushes the door to Kurt's room open.

"What?" Kurt says back, eyebrows furrowed. He gives him a disapproving look from his spot on the bed. He's gluing something to something else but Blaine doesn't concern himself with the details. "Of course not."

Blaine grins and presses the play button on the VCR before lying down on Kurt's floor. It's only a few minutes before Kurt settles next to him, sides pressed against each other as they lie on their stomachs.

"I hate this part," Kurt whispers a little later as they watch Frosty start to melt.

"I know you do," Blaine whispers back. He presses himself a little closer to Kurt even though he doesn't know what good that'll do.

He watches the rest of the movie, riveted, and when the credits start to roll he stands abruptly and grabs Kurt's arm to tug him along.

"Let's go outside," he tells Kurt.

"What? Why?" he asks, looking confused. He lets Blaine pull him up and out of his room.

"Because," Blaine says, "we need to build our own Frosty. That way we can make sure he doesn't melt."

Kurt's quiet for a moment. "Oh," he says. "Okay."

After they make their way into the living room, they wait patiently while Kurt's mom ties up their boots and buttons up their jackets and finds two pairs of mittens. Then they're outside and it's just the two of them for hours. They make snow angels and Blaine tries to throw a few snow balls (but Kurt hides behind the bush on the side of the house which is worse than cheating) and then they decide it's time to make their own Frosty. They work tirelessly until Kurt runs inside to steal buttons from his mom's sewing basket and a hat that he tells Blaine is last season, whatever that means.

They're admiring their work when they hear the front door across the street open and close loudly.

"It's my mom," Blaine sighs. "I bet she's coming to pick me up."

They both watch sadly as she crosses the street and heads towards the Hummel front yard. Blaine's shoulders slump but his mom just smiles and gestures to their very own Frosty.

"That's lovely, boys," she says. "It looks like you worked very hard."

"We're not done," he says, even though they totally are. "Can you come back later?"

She gives him a knowing smile but ignores him. "How do you feel about sugar cookies, Kurt?" she asks.

Blaine can feel Kurt shift next to him and sees his face light up out of the corner of his eye. "I like them plenty," he answers.

She smiles again. "That's good. You two run inside and get cleaned up. I'll go and tell your mom that you're coming over for cookies."

Kurt moves towards the front door but then hesitates. "Can I request the sprinkles? The last time you let Blaine pour them, he dumped them on the floor and the cookies were ruined."

Blaine scoffs. "They weren't ruined. They just had more icing and less--"

"They were ruined," Kurt repeats.

Blaine rolls his eyes because whatever, sprinkles are not the be all end all of Christmas cookies. He concedes, though, and Kurt gives him a bright smile in response. Blaine smiles back because how can he not?

So between Frosty and sprinkle cookies, it's pretty much the best day ever.

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It's the last day before Christmas break and Blaine shuffles back inside after recess, Kurt missing yet again. But just like last year, Blaine nears his desk and grins immediately when he sees the present that's been left on top. It's a Christmas ornament, the one they've been working on for two weeks in their art class, the one they were supposed to make for their family. Blaine runs his fingers over it as he takes his seat, taking time to appreciate the gems Kurt glued to the top and the thin ribbon he tied all around. His smile falters briefly when he remembers that the ornament he gave Mike to lay on Kurt's desk was covered with rubber glue and glitter that kept falling off when Blaine so much as breathed in its general direction.

Blaine hands his new ornament carefully to his mom when he gets home and she puts it towards the top of the tree so that it can't accidentally fall off and shatter on the hardwood floor. In January, she places it on top of Kurt's glitter tree in the box of Christmas decorations.

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