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Dabi POV

I didn't expect anyone to remember my birthday. When I first met toga she pulled out her phone and asked for my birthday because apparently 

"If we're gonna be best friends we have to know each others birthdays. Its girl rule number 1."

I had laughed at this because well I wasn't exactly a girl but she reminded me so much of my younger sister I had to play along.

"Well, what's your birthday then 'New Best Friend" I'd watched her face light up so much I was almost blinded. She reminded me what had made me so happy in the life I had left behind.

"Well, mines August 7th, and you, Mr Burnt Toast haven't told me yours."

"January the 18th. Now I guess I gotta make a nickname for you? Hmm Little Miss Crazy seems to fit" I laugh 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST FRIEND" Toga jumps on my bed, I try to push her off and go back to sleep. "MR BURNT TOAST GET UPPPP" She wines

"What do you want crazy?" 

"It's your birthday isn't it?"

"How'd you know?" I wipe my eyes and roll out of my bed falling onto the floor. I try to ignore the pain and go back to sleep but its hard when Toga comes and sits on my back and laughs as i groan.

"Remember the first time we met?" I groan at the memory

"So what do you want?" She doesn't answer but just pulls me from the floor and drags me down the stairs. Before she pulls me around the corner to the bar she slams a blindfold across my eyes. Then i feel her push me into the bar and I stumble into something that I'm assuming is Spinner by the scales. I take the blindfold off and lookup as a wall of sound hits me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DABI" I look around there's Twice, Dabi, Spinner, Toga, Kurogiri and even Shigaraki is putting in the effort. He walks up to me and plants a small kiss on my cheek. I'm unsure if I should cry, kiss him or fry him to a crisp. He steps back as I continue to internally scream. 

"It was a dare from Twice and Toga." He mutters as he shoves a small package into my hands and walks back upstairs. I open it to find a card signed by everyone, some burn ointment as some sick joke and a red knitted scarf. Kurogiri approached me as I stare around confused.

"That took him months to make and about 30 sets of knitting needles." He chuckles patting me on the back and chucking me his own small gift. I open it to find the guitar picks I've been trying to find for years. Twice hands me a hoodie that is half white and half black. He wraps me in a big hug before shoving me away and storming off. Man, that guy needs therapy. Toga hands me a box it has two sweaters, a purple and a white one with red splatters. She grabs the white and slips it over her head. On the front is a knife dripping blood printed in the centre and as she does a spin I see Little Miss Crazy stitched across the back. I pull out mine and see a burnt toast on the front and Mr Burnt Toast on the back. I quickly throw it on over my half-burnt shirt before pulling her into a tight hug.

"I love you Crazy"

"I love you too Burnt Toast"

Yeah, I know it's late I didn't have the motivation to do it before but hey I did it and I hope you enjoy. Also, Dabi and Toga IS NOT A SHIP. She reminds him of his sister, its brotherly love so ye. Also if you thought this was sad wait till we do the Todoroki families version of it. Anyway I love you guys thanks for reading my shit

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