Dare or Drink

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I took the bus today because I didn't want mom to know I was ditching. Josh was waiting for me a few meters away from school, so I walked down the street and got into his car.

''You ready.''

I am really scared off what may happen today and all I just want to do is to go there and back as fast as I can, and this isn't because of the bikers but of Stacy,''yeah sure let's go to my doom.''

''Stop being dramatic,'' he said rolling his eyes.

We got to the place after twenty minutes..I think, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. Stacey was already there and of course was all over Brady. We walked towards them and at that moment I noticed this guy with a scratching looking mustache and scattered long hair with red eyes watching us, looking at him, I could feel some kind of chill run through my body.

''Hey you came,'' Brady's face invaded my vision of the man as we got close to them.

''Yeah well I said I would didn't I?''

''You did, but I didn't think you'll actually do it, but it's cool,'' he smiled.

I could see the anger on Stacey's face as she looked at us,''Well aren't we just glad you two could make it.'' she sighed and faked a smile.

''You know maybe you two could help make this place a little bit more interesting.'', this time it was Ava who was talking.

'' What do you mean, ''I asked suspiciously.

''Oh you know, we could play a little 'dare or drink' game to keep things fun.

I most definitely did not like either of these girls idea of fun and I know what ever Ana was planning, was to hurt or make Josh and I leave here.

Brady just had to go ahead and encourage this, ''all right I'll go in and get the drinks.''

''Oh Brady,'' Stacey calls him back, ''make sure it's really strong so people could really do their dares,'' she looked at me.

''Yeah sure.''

He walks into the place through the back door. Josh had asked me to walk away from the other girls a little so as not to start any trouble but Stacey was not to let that happen.

''I can't believe you two still came down here'' she walks towards us, ''after I made it very clear that you should piss off.

''Look Stacey'' Josh tries to defend us ''you don't own the property and we can come here if we want to, besides we planned coming here together remember'' he mocks her with her own words.

I looked over Stacey's shoulder and found the red eyed man talking to two other men, all of whom just kept looking at us from time to time. Before Stacey and Josh could finish trash talking each other, Brady came back with the drinks.

''Took you long enough'' Ava complained at Brady's arrival.

''Sorry! It was kinda had getting these out'' he apologized.

Ava went ahead explaining the rules and pouring out the drinks.

''So who want to go first?'' she asked smiling.

''I'll go'' Josh confidently volunteered.

He turns the bottle and it lands on me and I could see the devilish smile on his face as I wondered what he was planning to ask.

''Emily'' still smiling '' I dare you to kiss Brady for five seconds." So that was his plan, to make Stacey furious, with that knowledge I was more than glad to do it.

I moved towards Brady as he leans off the car. With my hands on his shoulders and his right hand on my waist, I leaned in but was forced to halt by Stacey's voice,

'' Stop! how about we start with something easier, let's not rush to any over the top dares just yet. Give her another dare.''

Josh shakes his head firmly '' sorry Stacey we already started, and I don't think this is too hard for her, right Emily?''

''Nope I'm good'' I replied with a crazy smuck on my face.

''So are we doing this or not'' Brady asked.

''Yeah we are, proceed Emily'' Josh smiles but on Stacey's face I could see how red she was becoming.

I leaned in again towards Brady, and ever so gently did our lips touch before moving at a fast pace and I think I heard him mourn a little.

We all did a few more nasty dares and drinks and decided to end it after Stacey made Josh pick pocket a guy and place his wallet on  another person's bike which caused a fight to start up and immediately we ran off, then we took a little walk up the road to clear our drunken heads.

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