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chapter four; a taste of nature─────── • ❥ • ───────

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chapter four;
a taste of nature
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"Finally, we have arrived," Jaemin hollered happily while pulling the handbrake up and feeling quite proud of his beautiful parallel parking. "Welcome to the Japanese gardens."

"They're the Katsura Imperial Villa's gardens...." Renjun corrected him, downing the ends of the now moderately temperate water in his bottle. Now that they were here, everyone could go and get some fresh aqua. "Japanese gardens is just a general term every other country uses."

"And I fail to see where I asked for such useless information, but it's sweet that you know."

"It's on the god-forsaken brochure!" Mark hissed, brandishing the folded paper around and appearing rather close to tears. "Tell me there's a phone somewhere around here with service. Better yet, a taxi service. My meeting is in less than two hours and I'm already a million miles from Osaka!"

"Chill," Donghyuck sighed, "A meeting is a meeting. They're boring, they're stuffy, they're stupid. Why would you want to run off to a meeting when you experience this once in a lifetime opportunity with us?"


"No! Travelling as a pack of young adults to God knows where, trying who knows what and making awesome memories. I like you guys, and I want this to be a fun month."

"And I want to secure my company's future, but clearly nobody seems to understand the gravity of how important that is," the oldest snipped, taking off his suit jacket and throwing it over the back of the chair.

"No, we've all chosen more...." Hyuck coughed dramatically into his arm, "Fun life choices."

"Yeah, fuck you too."

"Guys, we aren't fighting right now," Jeno demanded as he stood up and helped Jaemin to his feet from the driver's seat. "We're officially a team now, and as awful as that sounds to some of you, it's a reality. We're all different, we've all got weird or irritating traits to get on with....but this can work."

"I hate to agree, but I do," Jisung piped up while walking down the aisle with only his phone in hand and a cap on to block out the sun when they departed. "I can't get to my mother at this stage, and I'm sure she'd want me to stick with this excursion and reach my aunt at the end of it. I'm willing to give this all a chance."

"Awesome, now it's only Mark," Jaemin hummed, everyone's attention then flicking to the businessman. "What do you say? Join us."

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