In your memory - I'll always be waiting for you

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"The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before."
(Neil Gaiman)

«Thank you...»
I needed to say those words. For a long time I wanted to thank our comrades for all they have done: they have helped us a lot, believing in us and motivating us to go on, despite all the difficulties we have faced.
Many times we gave up and many times we got back up, but throughout our lives we were never convinced of the deep value of our actions. But they did, and they taught us that in the most simple way: without mincing words, just being themselves.
You know, I really admire them for that. As outsiders they could have given up right away, doing their work without determination and hope; instead they always put their all into their work, believing that even the smallest of their actions would benefit the dramatic situation we were experiencing - just as if they had been born into this body.
On the opposite, we, as natives, ended up losing the meaning of our work. It's true: this work environment has always been hostile to us, not caring about our fate; however, at some point, something changed... and it happened precisely because of them.
You had a lot of respect for them too, didn't you? It's easy to imagine it, because it seems so from the words of that erythrocyte. Maybe you already know that: he respected you a lot too, and he was really sorry for your sudden disappearance. He would have loved to spend more time with you, to work alongside you... and I would have loved to do the same.
I'm really happy for my big sister: in the end, by a great miracle, she was able to be reunited with her dear friend.
While I...

Please, forgive me.
I promised myself I wouldn't shed any tears, but I am. I guess I can't help it: the pain is still too great, and I still can't fully process it.
Perhaps, I never will.
Every time I look at them, I wonder what would have become of us: if that cursed day things would have turned out differently, if I had the chance to arrive just five minutes earlier at that place and, thus, save you... or if everything that happened had never happened, if we would have continued to do our jobs with a genuine smile - just like we're doing now, but without the fear that that complicated situation might reoccur in our eyes.
The only thing that is certain is that, no matter how many assumptions I have, none of them will come true. That's just the way it is: I love working alongside my big sister, being with her and sharing everything with her... but, at the same time, I feel that something is missing, and that absence becomes more visible when I see my big sister's gaze searching for her friend's with a smile. In my heart there's something still missing, and I don't know how I'll be able to fill it, or if I'll ever be able to do that.
Probably not.
I don't think I'll ever be able to find a reason for your disappearance, and I think I'll still continue to feel that great pain that envelops me every time I think about it.
However, I feel it: I am not alone. I have never been, indeed: we have never been alone, and I know that, at any time, I can rely on the help and support of those two blood cells that have taught us so many things, with their courage and their immense strength.
And even when I am physically alone... I am sure that I will always feel the presence of someone next to me. I'll walk in your footsteps, I'll cross all the roads that you would have done too and I'll see with my own eyes that world full of hope for the future that you, too, would have loved to see.
Don't worry: we will not forget you... we will not forget all of us who have always hoped to live in a better future than the cursed present in which we ended up. Somehow I hope that, through my gaze, you too will be able to see the wonderful world that appears before us every day: it's really a wonderful sight, in front of which I can't do anything but cry for the strong emotion.
Every day I'm grateful to be still alive, to be able to give my help to this organism with a real smile. If you were still among us, I imagine you would have been proud of this body: it is working hard to try to give us a better life, and now I can only be grateful for that; it took a while, but in the end it managed to understand its mistakes, creating little by little a more bearable world for us cells.

In your memory - I'll always be waiting for you [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now