Alternate Ending of Walk Like an Egyptian Part 2

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It's 9:21 at night. Why am I still awake after a rough day I'm having today? Honestly, I don't know. I just want to write something. I feel less motivated to write my stories today, but that's okay, there's always tomorrow. After all, it's a long weekend. Family Day is on Monday. In the meantime, I'll just keep on posting art. I was reading my favourite Total Drama fanfictions and I visualized a certain part of one fanfic. This fanfic is by Nebula33 called Walk Like an Egyptian - Part 2 (Alternate Ending) and this person wrote the scene differently. Just Duncan is going home, Ezekiel gets to stay. Nebula33, I like your ending better than the canon ending.

 Nebula33, I like your ending better than the canon ending

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I'm starting to notice my hands are less shaky. It looks like all that practice has paid off. I feel like the expressions are just right. Go check out Nebula33's work on deviantArt. Great work.

Total Drama Artbook #2Where stories live. Discover now