Bad love, Sad love

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As everyone leaves the meeting, on the way out Zena nudges past me, uncontrollably I pull her hair and pulls her to the floor grabbing my wand out of Draco's wand pressing it hard against her neck under her chin so hard a drop of blood starts trailing down her neck, just one drop as I'm strandled onto of her at this point she can't move, as I hear the Dark lord giggle I get off of her she jumps up and kicks me in the stomach before I have a chance to grab her and show her the little girl she tortured for hours with no end was manipulated to let her do it and had died a long time ago, draco grabs me by my waist spinning me round to face pulling my chin up to look into his eyes asking me to look into them so I do, reluctantly but I do, he cups my cheeks looking me in the eyes caressing my cheek before kissing my forehead and resting his forehead against mine as he stares into mine before we turn around and see The Dark Lord storming towards Zena

"Unless you want me finsh what she started I suggest you Fuck off before i use your carcass as a hat you filth"

"B-but my lord"

He points his wand at her

"I'm warning you Zena black"

I look towards Draco as he has a confused look on his face we decide to ignore it and look and Tom


"Yes, my love"

I hold his chest and place myself against so he can feel my heart rate as he realises he holds me tighter as I wrap my small arms around him and snuggle my heart into his chest Tom looks at us and interrupts

"You do know what being my daughter means, don't you? It means you will be a target so you must not tell anyone at all do you understand and I'm afraid if you haven't figured it out yet you're adopted I'm your father an-"

I cut him of realising myself from Draco's grip

"Where my mother"

"She died she was killed two months after you were born we were gonna run away to have you and raise you with no magic until the day you were ready to know it all but sadly she was murdered by James Potter and Sirius Black on the counts they thought you were to be the future of dark magicians got there in time to save you but your mother had already gone which is why I made him watch me kill his wife and then kill him, you look just like your mother, she'd be so proud especially seeing as you have saved a life just like she did"

"Who was she?"

"Lilith McBlue"

I smack my hand over my mouth realising my birth mother was one of the most powerful witches of her time, she was my mother.

"Anything else I need to go lay down"

"Ahh yes beware when I'm not around you will be in charge as my only heir"

I nodd walking away slightly limping

"Why are you limping"

Draco has a massive smirk across my face as I turn around and look at Draco before answering him

"Long story isn't it draco"

He turns and sits back down at the hear of table while Draco helps me to his room as I sit on our bed with him just infront of me as he strokes my head gently

"Draco babe"

"Yes darling"

"I think we need to do a test"

"I know but I don't think it possible"

I scoff and look at him with a stern look before he chuckles

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