Part 1 - Angel of Death

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We had heard Rajput are known for kindness, they Has big heart, please mercy let us go!.

(A girl was standing with her one foot over small rock, other on ground having ice grip on pommel of sword pointed towards a bulky men on her foot bent down on knee, begging for mercy while few were on ground whimpering in pain, held down by group of men pointed their sword on them upon listening the word of men, the girl spoke).

We are passionate of Justice too! And being committed to Justice can't commit sin of doing injustice to innocent by showing mercy on Sinner!

(If the naked blade kept on neck didn't kill them, the cold voice , void of emotion will carry out the deadly task of ending their life. The people could see the brutal end, They know begging for mercy is pointless because they're held down by the person who is known as Angel of Death. If there was any doubt then, Her words just confirmed the same. That empathy ,mercy forgiveness, are unknown to her. And unacceptable for her to work on. But no one wish to die, henceforth even knowing they won't be left alive the men groan in pain and pathetically begged for mercy).

No!. Mercy mercy!. we will do anything! Just don't take our lives! You can't take life of one seeking shelter on your feet!.

Are you challenging me? Know what? As soon I came to know your atrocities on my people! I has vow to take your life! I can't back on my words!

(Saying this the girl held on the to pommel of sword and raise it up-word then swing it around at once beheading the men on knee. It was sign for her men to take the life of men's held down on ground too, they all raise their sword up, beheading them in single thrust , without mercy not like they deserved any. Turning around wiping the naked blade on the sleeve of caregiver).

Your highness the bodies?

It's a Good meat! Feed them to our pets! Like usually!

(Saying this she made way towards a Mare standing at two arm length distance away from her. She calmly mount on the Black Malani Horse, then ride away without caring to observe her orders are carried out of not. It speak of her immense faith on her men. Because she knew her men won't disobey her. And that's what happened. The words were followed at once the bodies of slain men were dragged like sack of thrash then thrown into the iron cave made for wolf, where they devour their meal.

what's this princess Jodha?

(Ask a boy holding a wooden crafted small box, opening it with frown spotting a beautiful dagger inside, the pommel of Dagger was made of gold, has sharp Lion head craved on top, he look on with curiosity and confusion. Which convert into mesmerized smile upon watching the face of Jodha).

For protecting my Friend I'm giving you this Prince Jalal! It's nothing big but it will come handy in need!

(Replied the princess calmly, with warmth of respect shined in her eyes, smile of gratitude on face, staring straight into the eyes of him Without hesitation or shyness).

Sure it will, but to thank one! gifting a dagger is odd choice!

Perhaps it isn't right choice! But apart from my friends I value this the most!

(Smile made it's way on the face of Jalal , as Jodha held onto her Skirt, then rushed out of the beautiful garden walk-in passed by the soldiers and servants. Who bow their head in her honor and receiving a warm smile).

Won't you step in Girl?

(Tilting her head at the Men, who brought her out on shore from ocean of past memory. Standing on stairs barefooted wearing only a dhoti. Holding a plate carrying lighted lamp, flower and Sandalwood. Shaking her head in no, the girl stared straight at the open entrance of Temple).

Why? Neither you reveal your identity, nor you stepped inside the temple! What's your intention?.

(The girl stayed silent, but her tight clutch on the pommel of sword made the men halt on his words, understanding well like past he won't gain answer  like past times, he sighed, then taking God's Name Walked out to put the lamp near Tulsi plant. Where's the Girl stared at the temple, I will be part of this, when i will bring this place to it's glorious form. vowing to herself she walked away).

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