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It was Friday, the day Seokjin was going to confess. He was watching around the corner, seeing Yoongi open his locker and take out the note and flower.

“What is this..? ‘I’m excited, I cannot lie. To give you my love, I’ll always be there, I’m really high. Off your love I mean, not those kind. Get your mind off the gutter, young man. I don’t want to find you high. I’ll meet you by the cherry tree, I give you this rose. And for me? I need your love. It’s all I ask for, I need your trust. I’ll love you without lust. For I, Kim Seokjin, love you the most.’?” the small male looked around then blushed, looking at the rose.

“I guess I’ll meet Seokjin by the cherry tree after school..”

Seokjin smiled and cheered to himself, walking off as he smiled at the students passing by. “Good morning! Have a nice day!”

The students smiled and thanked him before getting to their classes. Seokjin walked into his class, sitting down at his desk then looked around to see Yoongi standing by his desk holding the note and reading it to himself, smiling and blushing. Hoseok came by and hugged him from behind, looking at him. Seokjin sighed and looked forward at the teacher as he eavesdropped on the conversation.

“Yoongi-hyung, what’s that?”

“A note from Kim Seokjin. I’m meeting him today after school or at lunch to talk to him under the cherry tree. I think he got the wrong message when he kept writing your name, you’re my best friend.”

Hoseok smiled and nodded, “Always your best friend!” he said, hugging Yoongi tighter. This brightened Seokjins mood, knowing he still had a chance.

Yoongi smiled and waved his friend goodbye before watching him leave to another class, sitting down at the desk beside Seokjin. Seokjin asked him for pencil without looking and thanked him for the pencil, looking at it then using it for his work.

“No problem. I can’t wait till lunch.”

“Why?” he asked, looking at his crush.

“I’m meeting my secret admirer by the cherry tree. He seems really nice and..he gave me a rose. I like roses..”

“Really?” Seokjin asked, looking back at his notes to write another letter for lunch. He wrote down another sentence to his poem then smiled, looking back at Yoongi. Yoongi was staring at him and smiling.

“What are you writing?”

“Oh! Uh..a poem for my crush.”

Yoongi made a surprised face, “What’s she like?” he asked, not even knowing he was talking to the person he was going to meet by the cherry tree. “Uh..it’s not a girl actually. He’s an innocent boy..I gave him notes and well..I don’t know if he likes me back.”

“Aw! I’m sure he will if you give him notes that make him feel special. If I had a guy write notes to me and used cat paws in the corner or by his name..I would fall for him immediately.” Seokjin took note of this immediately. He smiled and wrote down another line in his poem.

“When are you going to meet your admirer again?”

“At lunch under the cherry tree. I’ll eat lunch there then wait for my admirer. I know they might not be here today..but I can wait.”

Seokjin smiled at his kindness, resisting the urge to kiss him. “That’s really sweet that you wait for someone even if they aren’t here. You’re a kind soul.”

“T-Thank you..I don’t think I am but thank you..”

“You’re so welcome. And yes you are.”

Yoongi blushed and looked back at the note, reading it again and again until the bell rang. He looked at the time and saw that it was lunch time as he got his little bag and got up, walking off to the cherry tree. He got to the tree and sat down on the hill, taking out his lunch to eat it.

Sighing and eating his sushi, the blonde haired male looked around to see if his admirer was nearby. Not seeing him, he groaned and kept eating, pouting a little. Then, he saw someone come up to him as he looked up to the person, seeing the broad shouldered male from earlier. He choked on his food then gulped it down, setting it down before standing up to face him. “Y-you..”

“Hello, Min Yoongi. I have one last note for you.”

Seokjin gave the note to him and let him read it. “I hope you enjoy my poem.”

Yoongi took it and read it out loud, “Good morning, sweet boy. I have finally took the courage to meet you, I was excited as a little boy who gets a toy. I hope you enjoy these little notes and with you I can cope. Cope? I mean I have hope. I love you, Min Yoongi and I’ll meet you by the cherry tree. For I, Kim Seokjin, am standing in front of you as you speak my letter. I have this treat for you, I hope it treats you well too. All your tricks and pretty lies, I can’t stop staring at those almond eyes.” he took the fish bread and looked at it, the savory treat looking fresh as he looked up at the male who was standing in front of him, blushing. “T-thank you..Seokjin..”

“I thought you would’ve liked it. Now, I have a question and I know we don’t really know each other that much.”

Seokjin took the treat and note, putting them down on the ground. He then took the blondes hands into his big ones and smiled at him, finding the words. Yoongi just stared at him in confusion, seeing his smile then smiled back at him as he blushed when he held his big hands. “Yes Seokjin..?”

Said male took a deep breath and put one of his slightly shaking hands on Yoongis cheek, caressing it softly. “I know you. You don’t know me..maybe we should get to know each other better. I have confessed my love to you in hopes that I can treat you right, not like those other kids did. I want to help you, Min Yoongi. Can I help you feel better and become your lover? I can treat you with love and kindness. Won’t you do the same and become my highness? Accept my confession of love?”

Yoongi turned red and thought about it for a moment then smiled. “Yes..I do accept your confession. I wish for more help and kindness, for Hobi is one of my only friends.” he smiled more when the taller wiped his tears, kissing his cheek.

“We will live happy lives, for you are mine.”


I do not own BTS in any way shape or form.
This was for entertainment purposes only.

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