thanks for sticking around --- a note to self

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how beautiful is it

to be able to give yourself a second chance,

to cradle your heart with sugared hands and sing it songs,

dance until your body has become a canvas for your blooming mind

how beautiful is it

to hold your own hand and pull yourself off of the ground,

to be so in love with your scars, proud of how you live with your trauma

proud of staying here for another day

how beautiful is it

to find within every cloud, every moment, every breath

the faint quiver of tranquility, the gentle brush of a bird's wing against the cerulean sky, and the promise that you will try

not to give up 

on yourself, abandon the masterpiece of your existence, pack the brushes away into boxes of despair 

how beautiful is it

to scream and sing on the streets in the rain

feel your hands glide the hazy sunset sky

sit in the dark alone and feel 

for the first time

complete and so inexplicably human

and so okay.

how beautiful is it

to finally 

feel alive


at peace with yourself and appreciate

a body and mind which wane and wax in their healing

but nonetheless

teach you

that you are here

and you are blooming

and you have never stopped since.


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