Part 4

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Mr. Hall, still dressed as Hugo Punch, returned a few moments later, holding what looked like a bottle of champagne in one hand and two wine-stemmed glasses in the other.

"I do hope Chandon is alright for this occasion," Mr. Hall smiled, setting the glasses down and pulling the paper wrapping off the top of the sealed bottle.

"I honestly wouldn't know," I answered, both surprised and grateful that it wasn't something worse, "I'm not much of a drinker for that matter."

"Light sips, nothing too quickly," Mr. Hall advised, popping the top off before pouring the clear bubbling liquid into the two glasses before offering one to me.

I took the offered drink, watching as he recapped the bottle and raised his glass.

"A toast!" he grinned, his voice echoing into the empty auditorium, "To my new favorite guest! Thank you for coming and allowing me to entertain you tonight."

We raised our glasses in silence.

As I pressed the glass to my lips, something within my mind told me to stop. It felt as if a hand made of smoke had pressed itself to my lips, preventing me from inhaling even the smell of the drink. A thought came racing through, 'What if there's something in the glass?'

Mr. Hall had already set his glass down and was watching me curiously.

I noticed that his body seemed to change, it was rigid and still. His eyes, which had once been warm with mirth, now seemed dark and vengeful. The one hand that rested on the table had curled into a fist, his nails digging into his pale skin.

I pulled the glass from my lips, returning it to the table, "My apologies, Mr. Hall. It would seem that I'm more tired than I had originally thought. I should probably head up to bed."

"Without even so much as a taste?" His voice seemed to go up a pitch, feigning hurt, "Come now, Kylie... Just a taste? You'll hurt my feelings if you don't try."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hall," I stood quickly, pushing my chair in as my mind screamed to run, "Thank you, but no thank you. Have a good night."

Before he could get another word in, I was running out of the auditorium as fast as I could. I raced toward the lift, unsure of where I was going to go. I just wanted to get away from him, to get away from those creepy eyes that seemed to know more than they let on. There was something going on here and I didn't want to stay around to find out what.

I spammed the button for the first floor as the doors closed slowly behind me. It felt as if time was slowing, but far too fast as well. I leaned against the railing of the lift, feeling myself sink to the floor. My fingers clutched the railing, helping me to ground me with my racing mind. I felt too close to Mr. Hall, but knew I was far enough away to keep any real damage from happening.

'What damage though?'

I scoffed at myself, "Damn it Kylie, what are you so nervous about? It was just a drink, you should go back and apologize for acting like such a child."

'But what if there is something wrong?' my mind argued, 'Ever since we walked through those doors, there's been an underlying feeling of dread and fear. Explain the chills, the little girl in the hallway, the ghostly hand...'

"It's got to be all in my head," I scrunched my hands together, placing them against my forehead, "It's just my imagination."

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