A Quick Snap

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               America never claimed to be a decent human being, because by human standards, he was many things, but a decent human being he was not. Over the years he'd lived many lives as anything from a stripper to an assassin to a firefighter. And for every good act, he'd done something to counteract it, often something much worse. So no, he never claimed to be a decent human being. How could he?

              Nonetheless, he was a good nation, a hero even. He attended and represented the United States of America at World Conferences, albeit sometimes a little late. He filled out paper work. He advised the government. He fought in wars. He did everything a nation was supposed to do and more. He personally helped the other personifications, even if they didn't acknowledge his help, and always cleared the dangerous tension that seemed to gather in the air with his bubbly attitude. America took every insult and every punch like a hero. His smile never faltered.

              Suffice to say, America tried to keep his human life separate from his nation one. That's not to say the emotions and personalities didn't mix. Sometimes in the mist of a kill, he was giggling like a school girl and singing Christmas carols. Other times at meetings it took everything he had not to bash someones head in. This was one of those times.

              It was day one of a week long World Conference hosted by America himself and already the nations of the world had started to berate him over a slight drop in the economy.

"This is all your fault!" It really wasn't his fault, nor was it that big of a deal in this case. They just wanted to release their stress onto him.

"Dudes I-" He tried to interject, but was cut off.

"Bloody idiot quit trying to act smart, you're already stupid enough. We don't need you to look any dumber." America kept smiling, but on the inside he oh so very angry.

""Mein gott! Can't you take responsibility for once?" Germany yelled. North Italy was tugging on his sleeve clearly uncomfortable. America could see him trying to tell Germany to "calm down."

"It's not America-san's fault-" At least he had Japan.

"Aiyaa, when are your going to pay back your debt?"

"Amerique, maybe if you worked out instead of eating all those hamburgers the economy wouldn't be so bad non?" Canada began to glare at France with an intensity that cause the flamboyant man to flinch.

"Your childishness is causing my tomato plants to wilt!"

"Stop that Tomato Bastard-" South Italy came to his defense, just like the old days. Or maybe it was because he was worried about what would happen should America lose his cool.

"If you became one with Russia, it would be alright!"

                 At this point, the only nations who weren't screaming at him, complaining, or telling him off were Canada, Prussia, Denmark, Japan, Belarus, Lithuania, and the Italies. He'd endured years of this and you know what he wasn't upset or depressed, he was tired. Tired of all the smiling and playing the hero. Not just tired though, he was angry. So Fucking Angry.

Then he snapped.

America slammed his hands on the stone table, easily breaking it into thousand of pieces. North Italy jumped into South Italy's arms at the sudden out burst. The room got quiet as the Nations stared at America their eyes wide.

"That's it." He whispered, letting that ever present smile drop.

"What was that Amerique?"


"Idiot it's your fault-"

"Western nations are so immature-"

"Stupid fool-"

"Your capital is ugly, we don't even want to be here-"

                 America was Furious now, beyond the point of angry. Several nations could see it in his eyes as he moved to the closest nation, which happened to be England, and tossed him through the wall and outside the building. Luckily for England they were on the second floor so he would probably only break a few bones and maybe have a head injury or two. The Nations stared in shock. The ones closest to America took a couple steps backward.

"Now that I've got your attention" His voice was quiet, but in the silence of the room it was loud enough. "Get the fuck out of my country."

"Vhat the meeting isn't over you can't-"


"Let me rephrase that, If you don't want to join England bleeding on the concrete outside, then I suggest you get the fuck out of my country."

"Amerique, what has gotten into you?"

"Nothing. I just want you the fuck out."

"America, I vill have to file a report with the UN."

"Fucking try me Germany. I fucking dare you."

"If he doesn't I will aru-"


Slowly but surely the nations began to file out.

"Wait" America said. Several nations looked either fearful or hopeful for an apology.  "Canada, Prussia, Denmark, Japan, Belarus, Lithuania, and the Italies can stay if they want."

"Awesome!" Prussia and Denmark exclaimed in unison slapping America on the back. He gave a small smile.

"Sorry aboot all this."

"Thank you America-san"

"I will see big brother out then return."

"Ve, That is so nice."

"Yeah thanks Bastard."

"But Lovi-" Romano punched him in the gut and told him to "go wait in the car" even though it was obvious Romano had no intention of joining him. But Spain just couldn't say no.

"Thank you Mister America."

"Vhy do they get to stay?"

"Because they aren't assholes."

Once the rest of the nations had left, the room suddenly burst into chatter with questions ranging from "Are you ok?" to "Wanna catch a movie then head back my place for dinner and a sleep over?" The answer to both questions was yes and thus when Belarus returned they did just that.


Well there you go! This is either the beginning of a story or a One-shot. Not sure yet, but hey we'll see where it leads us!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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