Prologue: The Battle of Endor

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Author Notes: This is my first time writing a story here on Wattpad, so I may not be the greatest compared to most other writers you may and will find on here, but I'm trying my best so some constructive criticism would be nice! Thank you, and enjoy my story.

(Psst, P.S., everything besides the characters and names for ships and squadrons does not belong to me, but instead to the owners of Star Wars.)

High over the forest moon of Endor within the stars in the sky, naval forces from the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire battle wing to wing, ship to ship in the battle that would determine the fate of the galaxy.

Engines roar by, followed by the screams of more as they dash towards their wounded prey, desperately trying to cut him off before he linked back up with his squadron. Two Tie-Interceptors, covered in shards of ice and scratched by the scathing of an ion turret. Their twin red ion engines blasted as the power into their engines increased, screaming toward a damage Y-wing.

The Y-wing dodged the green laser bolts left and right, the rear deflectors take the brunt of the damage that got through the fancy flying, though it was mainly just spinning. The rear ion turret tried it's best to take out the enemies on their tail, but soon took a direct hit from one of the interceptors. The fighter's astromech unit turned to the cockpit and beeped it's boops in terror, and was answered by an angry man in the cockpit.

???: "Yes, yes, I know! We've got Imps on our tail and we're about 10 seconds away from becoming burnt Corellian popcorn!" the astromech beeped back at it's pilot, the pilot groaning in response. The golden symbols of the Rebellion gleaming in the cockpit.

One of the interceptors opened fire another volley, hitting and breaking the power to the rear deflectors. The pilot lurched forward and growled as he recovered in his small seat.

???: "No help? Fine, I guess we'll have to take matters into our own hands then. TR-3, give me a read up on their power distribution!"

The droid chirped back excitedly and sank into his port within the Y-wing, accessing the scanning tech built into the modified craft. Meanwhile, the second interceptor lined itself up with the back of the Y-wing, and opened fire.

???: "Oh no you don't, not to my ship!" The pilot cut power to engines and pulled his controls forward, the ship quickly pointing upwards as the engines burst back alive, and the Y-wing ascended higher away from the Ties. Though the maneuver was not without consequence, as the right engine sputtered and popped, smoke and flame appearing where the red ion glow should be.

The pilot cursed when he saw the smoke sputtering from the engine and the ship began to slow down. The two Ties followed the Y-wing close behind, gradually turning and climbing towards the desperate pilot who begged for answers from his droid.

???: "TR-3, I need those readings! Like, right NOW would be a good time!" A laser bolt hit the Y-wing's hull and the fighter rocked and the pilot bounced in his seat. Sparks, gas and smoke leaked from the damage.

The astromech droid popped out of it's little compartment next to the bombing bay and chirped happily, and the pilot smiled, realizing that he had an opening. 

The pilot slid his Y-wing over right in front of one of the interceptors and opened his bomb bay, dropping one of his proton bombs right on top of the interceptor. The Tie pilot panicked and tried to swerve away, but it was too late and the bomb was too close. It collided with the interceptor and incinerated it, leaving the second one alive and still kicking on the Y-wing's tail.

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