First day on the Job pt 1

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Your Pov

I woke up in the same room as yesterday, except it wasn't as bad as before. After yesterday's meeting with the guys and my brief show of hostility things happened a lot differently. To say that they hate me would be an obvious understatement but I did what I needed to in order to prove myself.

Today, I was supposed to start training im on a rotation with each of the guys apparently my job was to be something of an undercover operative. I mean, I guess that's cool. It's something i've never really had much experience in but I'm "here to learn" according to RM.

I walked down the stairs and into a massive kitchen. All the guys were seated already eating an amazing spread. I walked into the doorway and all eyes turned to me.

I swallowed the awkward lump in my throat as I fought to return their stare.

"Well don't just stand there," Jin spoke from his seat before gesturing at the table "Come eat before there's nothing left."

I made my way over only to find out that the only remaining seat was between taehyung and yoongi.


The glare yoongi gave me was enough to make me reconsider having breakfast altogether, but the sling and bandaged nose taehyung sported was a reminder enough that I could take them if I needed to.

I took my seat with pride.

Yoongi scooted his chair away from mine and nearer to Jimin's. I rolled my eyes before snagging an apple and turning my attention to Taehyung.

"Damn, you really lost to a girl huh" I hid my laugh behind the fruit, taking a bite in the process.

Any chatter that was going on around the table stopped. All eyes turning to me with the same heated, angry stare.

"You wanna say that again?" From the other side of yoongi, Jimin spoke- tone low and deadly.

"Why? Did I stutter?"

He slammed his silverware onto the table and there was a screech of a chair as someone stood.

But the hands I found around my throat didn't belong to jimin. No, when I followed the strong sinewy arms up I was face to face with Hoseok.

He had gotten up from his place beside taehyung and he seethed with anger. His grip around my throat was tight but it wasn't constrictive. It was a warning.

"Would you like to end up like him?" His breath was hot, his rage palpable.

I brought my hands up to his arms, pushing them off and away from my throat. I stood and returned his glare with the same malice.

"No, actually, would you like to end up like him?" I mimicked his tone.

"Don't forget who did that to him in the first place." I leaned in even closer before whispering "I'd do it again in a heartbeat, with pleasure."

I leaned back into my own personal space once more.

"Don't put your fucking hands on me again."

He made a move to lunge but was stopped by an arm across his chest. Taehyung was the one standing between him and I.

"You may have bested me once." He spoke, "But that was luck. You've earned a plate not a seat at the table, you've earned a job not a pension. Remember this and remember it well because what happened in that room will never happen again. Should you forget what I said, I'll kill you myself. There's a difference between being capable and being valuable. Learn it."

And with that he returned to his seat to continue eating. The rest of the men seemed almost as stunned by Taehyung's words as I was, but they masked it well and quickly followed suit, leaving me the only one still standing.

As a good assassin, I know my boundaries. I know when to push and test the limits and I know when to be patient and observe. This situation called for the latter. I cleared my throat and sat back down. RM was sporting a smug grin at the head of the table, while he cut a piece of his waffle. The rest of the men continued to eat their food as though nothing happened.

Maybe, the tension in the air was only felt by me?

In any case, I simply stared at the bitten apple still sat on the table, already beginning to brown where it was exposed to the air. My appetite was long forgotten as I waited for the rest of the men to finish their breakfast.

I sighed.

This was gonna be a long day.



This chapter was rather short and not too much was happening, but that's because what i wanted to write was way too long for one chapter and I needed a good cutoff point that didn't give too much away before leading into the next one. so this one will be two parts. Happy valentines day to my beautiful readers who celebrate ❤️❤️. this is a day of love and not just for couples. I hope today you loved and were loved by those around you. I certainly love you. Thank you for reading and supporting !! Please feel free to tell me how you're enjoying the story :)


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