Chapter 25: Comfy

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"Yuzu, get up," I say, nudging his head of my chest.

Ever since I got my apartment, Yuzuru spends as many nights as he can with me. It helps that his mother went back to Japan for while. Without me, Yuzuru probably would starve. He'll usually comes back to my apartment with me after practice where I make him dinner and he sleeps in my bed with me. When we have a moment to spare, I do my homework and he plays his video games.

This morning we have to head to a competition. The competitions don't stop just because you're a two-time Olympic gold medalist. It's already time for Yuzuru to start the new season. First, he needs to head to the Autumn Classic. His first competition every season.

"Yuzu, you have to get up," I warn him again. "We're heading to the Autumn Classic today."

"I know," Yuzuru mumbles into my chest. "But you're so comfortable. I just want to stay here forever."

"You can come back here after your competition. You're debuting your new short program today! I'm so excited for everyone to see your costumes."

"I better come back here. You're promising that, right?"

"Yes, if that means you get out of my bed. We need to meet Mr. Orser at the Cricket Club in an hour."

"Fine, fine. I'll get up."

Yuzuru sluggishly gets out of my bed and heads into my bathroom. I take this opportunity to fix my bed and change into my clothes for the day. I grab Yuzuru's training clothes from my desk chair and leave it out on the bed so he can get changed as soon as he's out of the bathroom. I check both of our bags while I wait for him to get so I can get ready for the day. It's about 6 am and we need to meet up with the coaches at the TTC by 7 am since we are leaving as a group.

When Yuzuru leaves the bathroom, he looks more alert and ready for the day. I slip into the bathroom as he grabs his clothes to get changed. I got through my morning routine as well as adding a bit of make up seeing as Yuzuru will be heading to practice almost immediately after arriving. I know I don't have go through this, but I know there will be a lot of cameras there and I have to look decent. My mother has seen me on her Filipino programs as I'm a mini celebrity in the Philippines. They've even asked me if I've wanted to go back for interviews on their talk show. I've only done a couple through video call as I don't have the capacity to leave due to Yuzuru and school work. I don't think I'm that important, but I know the Philippines like to claim other Filipinos if they have enough fame.

I come out of my bathroom to see Yuzuru lying on the bed on his phone. I leave my room to cook some breakfast before we leave. I cook a small version of Yuzuru's typical breakfast. I reheat rice from yesterday while I cook a small salmon fillet and some breakfast sausages. I pull out milk as well as orange juice for me. As I plate the food, Yuzuru comes out of my room with both of our bags. His skate luggage is already sat right next to my front door.

"You're like a little wife," Yuzuru chuckles. He sits down at the kitchen island. It's where we always eat our meals. "It's like you're cooking for your husband already."

"Calm down, Mr. Medals." I chide him, settling down to eat my own food. "Just eat your food so we can go get more medals for your collection."

"How do you know I will get more medals at this competition?"

"Because you wouldn't be Yuzuru Hanyu if you didn't."

With that, Yuzuru just nods and finishes his food. After checking out luggage and equipment, we head over the Cricket Club. Outside the club is the tour bus we will take over the hotel and the skating arena in Oakville. I see Mr. Orser and Ms. Wilson standing outside the bus checking in the skaters. I drag my luggage over to bus as the bus driver is loading everything. I walk up to Mr. Orser with a smile.

"Good morning, everyone!" I greet the small group of people heading to the completion.

"Morning, Marie," Mr. Orser says as he checks his clipboard. "How was it getting Yuzuru up this morning?"

"Well, he wanted to be a sleepy butt this morning, but I eventually got him ready. Someone got too comfy in bed."

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," Yuzuru whines as he rest his head against Pooh-San.

"But it's fun doing that," I tease him as I turn away to talk to Ms. Wilson. I sharply turn back to him. "At least I knew how to get out of bed this morning."

Yuzuru grumbles as Mr. Orser runs some things with him. "Dumb, comfy bed."

Mr. Orser laughs as he pats Yuzuru's shoulder. "You two kids in love warms my heart."

I laugh as I go over the schedule with Ms. Wilson. Soon everyone arrives and we head onto the bus. Yuzuru and I sit in the middle with Jason Brown, an American skater that joined the Cricket Club over the summer, to our left, Evgenia right behind us, and Jun Hwan right in front of us. Mr. Orser and Ms. Tracy sit in the front of all of us. I sit next to window as Yuzuru always lets me sit next to the window because he know I always want to look out of it to look at the scenery. Yuzuru rests his head against my shoulder and cuddles Pooh-San. I notice he has his earphones in already.

"Let me know when we get there," Yuzuru mutters, closing his eyes.

"Okay," I chide him jokingly. I pull my phone out to reply some texts.

"He does know he'll have to immediately go to training when we arrive, right?" Jason Brown asks lightheartedly.

"He does," I reply back laughing. "He's just being a big baby this morning. Didn't want to leave the bed."

"Aw..." Evgenia chimes in. "He can be like a baby sometimes."

"You should see him when he doesn't get to play video games after dinner sometimes. You would think I'm dating a five year old."

"I can still hear you," Yuzuru whines, never opening his eyes.

"Good. Your teammates should know how much of a baby you are."

"Well I'm your baby, aren't I?"

"Uh-huh. Now go to sleep or else I'll make you go back to your apartment when we come back."

"You wouldn't do that."

"Watch me, mr. skater."

Yuzuru makes a whining noise before burying his deeper into my shoulder. We all share a laugh at Yuzuru acting like the baby he can be sometimes. But this is the man I love.

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