Let's Play!

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~~~~~~~~~~ Age 6 ~~~~~~~~~~

"(Name), why aren't you playing with the other kids?" Rose asked the little girl, with a slight frown.

It was the first day of school for the (Hair color) haired little girl named (Name). She was a shy little girl who lived with strict but loving parents and grew up only having a few friends. Since it was the first day, she hardly knew anyone, nobody knew anybody actually but almost all of her classmates were quick on making new acquaintances. But not her. When someone approached and tried being friends with her, she merely scooted away which resulted in her classmates giving up on trying to befriend her.

It was currently play time and everybody was outside either having fun playing with their new found friends or just talking to each other, enjoying the nice weather. Everybody but (Name) that is.

"... I- I..." (Name) hesitated. "I don't have a-anybody to play with....."

"(Name), honey," Rose crouched down to her height and placed a hand on her shoulder. "That's because you keep on pushing them away... Would you like to tell me why?"

"Well..." (Name) started, looking directly at her little (Favorite color) shoes. "I... I'm shy..."

With a smile, Rose pulled her in a caring hug and patted her head. "I thought so, but... would you like to have friends?"

The (Hair color) haired girl gave her teacher a quick nod, still looking at the ground, when a boy with light-colored hair and red eyes approached them.

"Hi!" He greeted (Name) with a huge grin. With a little push from her teacher, (Name) replied, "H-hello..."

"I'm zee awesome Gilbert! Gilbert Beilschmidt!" Gilbert said. "And you are?"

"(Name) (Last Name)..." (Name) started smiling a little bit, her hands behind her in a cute sort of way.

Their teacher was smiling at the sight in front of her and smiled wider when Gilbert said, "Let's play, (Name)!"

~~~~~~~~~~ Age 8 ~~~~~~~~~~

"(Name)!" (Name)'s best friend, Gilbert, called out.

"Hey Gil!" (Name) replied with a smile, waving at the light-haired Prussian who was running towards her.

"I-I have news!" Gilbert announced once he had reached her, still panting from previously running.

"What is it?" The (Nationality) asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"I just found out! I'm gonna be a großer bruder ((big brother))!!" He replied, his usually wide grin wider than ever. With a gasp and a little squeal, (Name) tackled Gilbert into a tight hug which made the said Prussian's usually pale face turn cherry red. Still blushing, Gilbert hugged her back.

"Congratulations Gil! I'm sure you're gonna be an awesome older brother!"

"Ja, zat's true!" Replied Gilbert, a little sad when (Name) broke the hug but didn't show it.

"What shall we do to celebrate?" (Name) asked, already thinking of fun things to do to celebrate the fact that her best friend was going to have a brother.

"I have an idea!" He said, hands clasped. "Let's play tag."

With that said, Gilbert tapped his best friend on the shoulder and started running. "Und you're it!"

~~~~~~~~~~ Age 14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"See you tomorrow Maria!" (Name) smiled and waved at her new Filipino friend, Maria.

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