Part 1: A Gift

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A Gift

"Earth to Mina. Hello?"

Fingers snapped in front of Mina's face. Her emerald green eyes focused on the hand waving in front of her. She pushed it away. "Can't a girl space out in peace?" She flipped her strawberry-blonde hair over her shoulder. Playing with the bunched hair in her hands, Mina Vivano looked up at her boyfriend. He gave her that sweet crooked smile of his. She hated how much she loved that smile. "What were you saying, Clay?"

"I was trying to ask if I could stop by at your place later tonight. I have something for you." Clay Swan raked his fingers through his dark messy hair. His dark eyes stared into hers. He always looked at her with a fierce intensity that made her feel vulnerable... and safe.

Mina rolled her eyes. "I don't know if I want anything from you.There's always this 'I love you' stuff attached to it. It gets a girl weak in the knees and I don't think I want you to have that power."

Clay pulled her into a hug. She melted into his embrace. "I can't help but show how much I care. You enchanted me with your witchy ways."

"That's right. And I'll turn you into a toad should you ever cross me."

"No problem." Clay leaned in to kiss her.

A group of kids ran by, shouting and laughing. Mina jumped out of Clay's arms. "Holy Huckleberry and jizz-balls!"

Clay laughed. "Where do you even come up with these phrases?"

Mina slapped his arm. "Don't make fun of me. Those kids came out of nowhere! They were like ninjas!"

"And the horrors they are sure to bring upon you."

"Tease all you want. You obviously have never babysat for the little monsters."

"No time. My hands are full with one." He brushed her hair behind herear.

Mina slapped his arm again. "Are you calling me a handful?"

Clay laughed. "The biggest." He pointed at Mina's house. "Can I trust you to make it inside all by yourself?"

"I think I can manage. I've made it this far without any big, strong men to save me so I certainly don't need a man-child to try." She twirled on her heel and stuck her nose up in the air.

Clay feigned a broken heart. "Such harsh words for the one you love."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm very kind to myself." Mina opened the gate to her front yard. "See you at eight?"

"Five minutes before." Clay blew her a kiss. He continued down the sidewalk with that little pep in his step Mina had come to love.

Mina locked the gate and turned her attention to the lavender flowerbed beside her. She picked up the watering can nearby and filled it with water. She glanced at her house. The sky-blue shingles played well with the white Doric columns and cobblestone. Flourishing vines wrapped around the columns. With winter still strong, the flowers were still buds, but they were a sight to see when they were in fullbloom. Mina loved the light pink shade contrast with the blue. A single glance at this exterior and one would think the residents had it all. If only.

Mina placed the watering can aside and headed inside. She placed her schoolbag near the doorway. "Papa, I'm home!"

No answer. She didn't know why she bothered. He never answered. Mina walked down the hall to the lounge. Her dad sat beside the fireplace with a blanket over his legs and an unopened book. He glanced up as she came in. He greeted her with his loving smile. "Baby-girl, how was school?"

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