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Welcome to The Big Book Of Names!

I am so pleased that you chose this book to help you on the journey to find the perfect name for you. This book is dedicated to, yes you guessed it, names. All sorts of names ranging from different origins, unique names all the way to names inspired by cities, pets, anything really, you name it!

I am also taking requests so if you think of a name category i'll be more than happy to do it for you :)

I did try my best to select a variety of different names and in no way, space or form is this book supposed to insult or trigger anyone (it's really based on personal preference).

I have also added meanings to many of the names for those who are struggling to find names, these meanings will hopefully spark the inspiration gods inside you.

Note: I hearted ones that I personally like, everyone has different likes and dislikes and some people may have or know of someone with this name so please don't be hurtful.

Every name is beautiful <3

So what are you still doing here, let's get to the names.

Enjoy :) 


Don't forget to;





Love always,

Aqua xx 

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