Chapter 2

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Amber's P.O.V.

Day 265 without him. Damn this was hard, but it was something that had to be done. I missed him like crazy but I was finding my way through life without him. I had a new job, I was back into uni. I had my own apartment and I was happy. I got a new puppy and she was my best friend.

I was laying in my bed since I had just got home from work. Just like every night, harry popped into my mind. What was he doing? Was he on stage? Was he missing me? Was he with another girl? I had no idea. I didn't want to know.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was harry. He was thinking about me.

'Hey. It's Harry. Maybe we can chat about what happened?'

Oh no. My stomach began to knot and my heart raced. I freaked.

'Error 203: The number you are trying to contact has been changed or is no longer in service. Sorry for the inconvenience.'

I sent. Fuck. Amber why would you do that?!

I just laid there to see if I got another message. After about an hour of just laying there, nothing else had came through. I knew I shouldn't of sent that. Damn it amber.

I got up and padded to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and sighed softly as I dropped my dress, panties and bra to the floor. I got into the shower and stood there, my eyes shut and the steam clear my mind. I grabbed my phone since I had a LifeProof case on and began to play Half A Heart. It was one of my favorite songs. I felt it was about me. It was written after harry and I broke up. It probably wasn't about me, but it helped me think I was still on his mind. After the accident, I just needed to know he still thought about me.

I began to sing along and ran my hand through my soapy hair to try and get it bubbles out.

"Being here without you is like im waking up to..." I started to sing and shook my head as I choked up and began to cry. I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down it and cried into my hands. I needed to talk to him.

Harry's P.O.V.

Day 279 without her. 2 weeks had past. I hadn't tried to contact her again. It hurt knowing she had changed her number. I was supposed to go home for another month. I pulled out my cell phone as I sat in the hotel and looked at her twitter. Her first tweet in a month was today. She didn't follow me back so I couldn't send her a DM. The tweet read 'if you love somebody, you have to let them go.'

Did this mean she still thought about me? She missed me? Did she want me to call her? What did this mean. I had no idea. I checked the time and sighed. It was 3 pm there. She was probably at work. I didn't care. I called anyways to see if her number really was disconnected.

5 rings. I waited. Then I heard her voice. Her beautiful voice that I missed oh so much.

"Hey guys. It's Amber. I couldn't come to the phone. Harry and I are probably doing something stupid. I'll call you back. Bye."

She hadn't changed her voicemail. That gave me a little bit of hope. All I wanted was her back in my life, so I decided to leave a voicemail.

"Hey. It's uh- it's Harry. I miss you. Will you please give me a call back?"

I sighed and hung up. I didn't know what to say. I had 3 hours before an interview and 2 hours before 5 o'clock there. That's what she would be off work. I know she worked. She loved to be independent. She loved to be able to pay for all her own things. But she also loved to be spoiled.

I got onto her Twitter and began to look through her photos. She was so beautiful. So different. The grey colour she died her hair wasn't normal. Her nose ring looked perfect on her. She was everything I ever wanted. Her blue eyes were deep. I got lost every time I looked in them. I ran my Hand through my curls and let out a sigh. I missed her more than words could ever describe.

I continued to look through her pictures until I came across ones of the two of us. She hadn't deleted them.

'My love. Forever in my heart' one read.

I couldn't help myself. I dialled her number again and called. But no answer. Fuck! Why didn't she answer me? Was she busy? Did she not want to talk to Me? I didn't know. But I was gonna find out. I was gonna make things right. I was gonna get my girl back.

(Another short chapter. I had school all week. I couldn't write much. Larger update this weekend.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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