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Ava's pov :

I woke up to my alarm beeping loudly. It was Monday morning and i had to get to work. I work in a small restaurant. It was 6 am and i still needed to shower and make breakfast for my dad and sister or else they would beat me. If i am lucky enough they might still be sleeping.

I quickly got out of bed and went to my bathroom. It is connected to my room. Doing my business i showered and brushed my teeth and did my hair into a high ponytail. Making sure to cover up my bruises with some make up. I didn't want anyone to know that i get abused. Yesterday was very very bad because my dad was even more drunk then before, i got twise the beating.

I tip toe down stairs. Seeing my dad is passed out on the couch.... again. I quietly and quickly make him some eggs and bacon. Looking at the clock I see I'm gonna be running late if I don't walk out soon.

Running quickly I make my way to work. Managing to be there on time. I walk in and bump into my boss.
"good morning ava."
"good morning boss."

I managed to say quickly while putting on my apron.

I only work the morning shift then I'm off. I hear the door creak open. Quickly making my way to the family of three to welcome them and give them a place to sit. I smile at them then I feel something wrap around my leg. I look down to see the little girl smiling up at me.

"hewlo I'm layla" the little girl says. At the moment I hear the door creak but I don't turn around. "hi I'm ava." I say picking her up and twirling her around. She giggles. I put her back into her seat and look up at her parents. They are looking at me with shocked expressions. "I'm sorry I just couldn't resist. She is such a cute girl." I say smiling at the parents. "no it's oké, it's just all the restaurants we go to, the waiter always pushes her away." I smile once again and take there orders.
After placing the orders, I walk over to the customers who just walked in. they look really hot. But once again I put my head down and walk over.
"hello I am your waiter ava. What can I get for you guys?" there are 3 guys. Two of them look really buff but the third one looks even more stronger and buffer and seems to be there leader. "look at me." I hear but I keep my head low. I feel someone pick up my chin so that I am looking at them.

"we would like two sodas, one coke, one sprite and a water." Says the guy on the left. I write down there orders and go place them. While doing that I make sure to serve Layla and her parents. When I'm done I hear the chime go off indicating the order was completed. I take the drinks and serve them to the men. But right when I was about to leave the guy in the middle grabs my arm.

I pull away quickly and look down. When I look up again I see everyone in the restaurant staring at my arm with shocked expressions. I look down to see my sleeve rolled up and my scars showing. Not knowing what to say or do I run out into the back of the restaurant quickly grabbing my stuff and running out into the streets. Right when I'm about to take a turn i am stopped by the three men from the restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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