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The Next Day...

Harry was looking for zayn all around the penthouse but he was nowhere to be found.Harry went outside to the pool but no one was there either.

"Harry..Hi,"Haider said from afar.

"Hi,"Harry said just to be polite and proceed to walk back inside.

"Looking for your boyfriend?"Haider asked causing harry to stop in track.

"Have you see him?"Harry asked.

"yeah he's over here..talking to my friends,"Haider said.

"It's okay I will just call him,"Harry said as haider approached him.

"Or you could just come to the penthouse with me,"Haider insisted as he grabbed Harry's small wrist.

"Don't go,"Haider said.

"Leave me..You're hurting me,"Harry whined in pain.

Haider pushed him hard against the wall as he screamed in pain.Haider gripped Harry's thigh as he was only wearing zayn hoodie which was big on him.He smashed his lips onto Harry's as Harry tried to push him away.

He finally managed to push haider off of him as he slap him across his face and ran inside the penthouse locking the door.

He layed on his bed crying untill he heard zayn calling his name.He quickly wiped his tears and went downstairs.

"Sorry for leaving you alone hazz..we didn't wanted to wake you up you were sleeping so peacefully."Eleanor said.

"You could've texted me or something."Harry said looking down.

"I left you a note Babe,"zayn said as Harry walk pass him.

But zayn quickly grabbed Harry's waist pulling him close.

"where are you going?"Zayn asked.

"Upstairs,"Harry said.

"Breakfast first,"Zayn said as he make harry sit on a chair.

"I'm not hungry."Harry said looking down.

Zayn grab Harry's chin gently making him look up at zayn.

"Are you Okay Hazz?"Zayn asked concerned.

Harry simply nodded.

"You're not okay...tell me what happened."Zayn insisted.

"I-I...I'm okay,"Harry said holding back his tears.

zayn looked down running his hand through his hair in frustration buy he then noticed Harry's thigh.

"Who did this to you?"Zayn asked referring to the red mark on Harry's thigh.

"He.."Harry started crying as zayn pull him into a comforting hug but anger boiling inside of him.

"Who laid his hand on you Harry?"Zayn hissed.

"Haider.."Harry said in between sobs.

Zayn pulled away from Harry,He was furious,He looked like he could kill anyone that comes in his way right now.

Zayn storm out of the penthouse and a few moments later they could hear shouting outside.

They all went outside to see Zayn punching haider who looked like he could faint anytime soon,He had a bloody nose and lips.

Gigi was yelling at zayn to stop and since all of Haider's friends were girls they didn't intervene.

"Zayn stop,"Harry cried and zayn stopped dropping Haider to the ground.

He made his way to harry engulfing him in his arms.

"you're safe now Babe..I'm sorry for leaving you alone."Zayn said as he stroke Harry's hair.

"It's not your fault z,"Harry sobbed.

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