Please Stay (Chapter 3)

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           ***JESSICA'S POV***
"Maya, sweetheart why are you still here?" I ask panic in my voice. "Well the nice man told me to stay!" She responds pointing to a shadowy figure behind her. "Maya come here, now." I tell her softly yet firmly. Once she's in my arms, I contront the shadowy figure.   "Who the hell are you?" The figure responds saying, "I'm not going to hurt you." The words remind me of what Marcus said to me when we first met. The difference was there was no hint of insincerity in this man's voice.  "Come closer, I can't see you" I tell him, already knowing who it is. As I already guessed, Anthony walks towards me. In any other situation, I'd be absolutely fan girling over him, but because of the somber feeling around us, I keep a straight face. "Why are you here?"

          ***ANTHONY'S POV***

"I saw you run by and was worried about you."  I tell her, although I can tell she doesn't believe me. "Don't lie to me." She responds confirming what I already knew. "I'm not, I saw the bruises on your arms." I tell her, being careful to monitor my tone. She's already been through a lot, I don't want to overwhelm her.

             ***JESSICA'S POV***

"Why should I believe you? You know nothing about me." I respond him desperate to not believe him. "Your just as dumb as all the others who've tried to stop me. You don't care about me, you just pity me." I hate talking to my idol like this, but it's better for him to hate me than to pity me. "Your right, I can't." He says, somehow staying calm no matter how rude I was. "But," he continues. "She can" he finishes pointing to the little girl in my arms. As soon as he says that, the words "I don't want to die" race through my head over, and over again. After years of holding back all my emotions, I break down. "I'm so, sorry" "I'm so sorry Maya." I say between sobs. "Its ok, mommy. I don't know why you sorry, but it's ok." She responds. I hug my little girl tighter than I ever had in my life. I could tell Anthony was taken a  back by what she called me, but it didn't matter. I was here, and I wanted to live.

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