Thank you

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He stood there, tears welling up in the prettiest eyes Haechan had ever had contact with. Knowing he'll never be able to call Haechan his boyfriend ever again but still assured that they'll forever remain bestest of friends. He began, "Haechan-ah, 고마워 (Thank you). Thank you for making me mad on our first ever meeting by stealing my order. Thank you for eavesdropping on my conversation with Lele about how hard I found fitting into our company. Thank you for trying to make me feel at home even though all we ever did was fight. Chan-ah, Thank you for believing in me when even I thought I couldn't pull off those high notes. For comforting me when the voice trainer scolded me for the voice cracks. Thank you for staying back at the dance studio to practice with me although you were tired having to attend both il-ee-chil and dreamies practices. I will forever be grateful that you never let me be alone, knowing of my autophobia. Thank you for not listening to me when I said I was fine, was it that obvious that I wasn't? Thank you for making me look at you when I thought I'd faint on that cup n' saucer ride while shooting for a mv.

 Thank you for not listening to me when I said I was fine, was it that obvious that I wasn't? Thank you for making me look at you when I thought I'd faint on that cup n' saucer ride while shooting for a mv

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Thank you so much for taking me to The Vamps concert because you knew how much I liked all of their songs. Thank you for being my full sun, even on Rainy days. Thanks to you, monsoons aren't as bad as they used to be for me. Thank you for holding my hand the entire time we did our stage rehearsal knowing I was not it my right mindset that day. Thank you for understanding me each and every time. For whispering those sweet nothings in my ears when you knew I was close to getting anxiety. For keeping US a secret even though you wanted to show off how much you loved me. Thank you for the I love you's you said at the most unexpected times and for the pats, hugs and stolen kisses, for kissing my neck just because I fit perfectly in your arms. Thank you for calling me your soulmate. I'd love to be your soulmate more than I'd ever want to be anything in this world. And lastly, thank you for holding me tight whenever my tears wouldn't stop.

Donghyuckie, yes, I take you as my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to argue and to fight with, till death do us part. I promise to be your home, to respect you as your own person and to love you for your weaknesses.

Haechan could only smile like a fool, long stopped trying to fight back the tears. This was the first time Renjun had been so open and so confident about expressing his love, how could Haechan not cry? And even if Renjun hadn't said all that, Donghyuck knew what Jun felt and he would wait for him to say all that even if it meant waiting for an eternity. Without wasting another moment, Haechan slid the ring on Renjun's finger. The ring he had on him for a year and a half but only gathering the courage to propose two months ago.

Yangyangand Sungchan, his best Men shared a satisfied smile while Renjun's best MenYuta and Chenle could still not believe that the Renjun they knew would be so expressiveof his love for the other. The rest of the members, especially Hendery and Johnnystarted to shout and whistle once the grooms were asked to seal the deal with akiss.

Word count: 625 words. 

This is my first time writing a oneshot. I hope I don't disappoint. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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