Chapter 2 : Battles.

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(Y/N)'s POV

Few months have passed since my first day at the academy, we've got a new professor, and today was a battle between our houses.

"(Y/N), are you ready?" Asked gently my brother.

"Sure. What about you Dimi ?"

" I am, let's show them what the blue lions are capable of! But don't do silly things, please" he said stroking my head." I don't want my dear sister being injured for nothing".

" Dimi you know, I'm a soldier like everyone else, princess or not. Fighting is my duty to protect people I like. So it involves to be injured too ".

" I know, I know. I just ask you to be a bit prudent, okay?"

" I'll try, but if anything happens to me... " she paused then smirked " It'll be Felix's fault for being too easy on me at training!"

Felix heard their discussion and came joining them " what stupid thing are you saying puppy ?"

" Felix stop calling her like that" said Dimitri  crossing his arm.

" An other fight between the blue lions ? Is breaking your relationship is a way to let us win ? I should be thankful " said Claude coming closer.

" Is the blue lions that disunited ? Well, I guess it can't be worst than the golden deer" added Edelgar.

" Her highness likes to talk for once" replied teasingly Claude.

"Come on, YN" said Dimitri. " It's time for our meeting ".

But before she could follow her brother, Claude took her wrist.

She looked at him with curious eyes. " Do you need something from me ?"

" Wanna do a bet?", he asked with an amused tone.

"Hum...I'm sorry but I don't want to..."

" If the blue lions wins the battle, you can ask me any favor you want."

YN was suddenly interested by what the young man was saying. If they won, she would ask him to reply to her question whenever she wants. Maybe it sounded strange, but it was something she really wanted since Claude was such a mysterious person.


" Claude !" Shouted the girl.

" If it isn't the little princess !", he bowed practically mocking at her. " What do you want from a poor man like me ?"

"Come on ! Don't make yourself pitiful! " He laughed while she was getting angrier." Give me back my diary!"

" Aren't you too old to have a -"

" none of your business!" She puncher her head.

"It hurts... your strength must be your family
's quality..." he scratched his head thinking the number of time he saw Dimitri break something.

" Come on, give me back my diary. I had it with me until I fell asleep under the tree. Then you woke me up and when you left, guess what ? my diary was missing !"

"I don't know what're you talking about, I didn't stole it".

" You are the only person who would do that ! I don't even understand what you're suspicious about every little thing ! You're not a victime here, I or somebody else won't do anything to you ! You should believe more in people! At least, you could explain me why you're like this, why you don't feel safe around people !"

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