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How can people say it's ok?

How can they be so ignorant?

How have I lived to see another day?

When all these scars go unnoticed.

Because when the sun sets...

And the moon shines instead.

When people reflect on things that they've said,

Are they sorry?

As cold steel glints off wrists that have bled,

Do they notice?

When you start to wonder if you'll see daylight again,

When you start to think... that you won't.

Does anyone care?

Just know that the animals outside are singing you a song,

They're telling you their secrets,

They know it won't be long.

So when the evening church bells begin their midnight chime

Remember what is said in this short and simple rhyme:

Someones been beside you this whole entire time,

Their words are there to guide you as you endure this climb.

"If you're afraid, I'll cure your fears"

"If you fall, I will catch you"

"If you cry, I'll dry your tears"

"If you hurt yourself, I'll draw along your scars" 

"I'll remind you that I love you, even when we're miles apart"

You are loved.

You are loved,

And you cannot quit. 

Put down your knife

Keep fighting

For yourself

For this day

For this battle we call life...

How can people say it's ok?

When it's not.

When that couldn't be further from the truth?

They say it because it will be ok, not now

Maybe not anytime soon.

But I promise it will be true.

It will come true.


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