Tricks of the trade

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~Y/n pov~

Out of the looming, swirling darkness that surrounded me, I heard an eerie shrill cackle from the depths of the abyss of darkness which sent chills down my spine.

This was giving me major sociopathic horror movie vibes.

I looked around me but there was just the ever-present black inky darkness that surrounded me.

I wouldn't have felt as uneasy if I could actually see something but there was nothing.

Wait why was there nothing?

Omc I'm blind.

Why am I blind?

At this point, I was completely freaking out.


I need help.

I need someone to take me to the hospital or something, maybe a doctor can fix this.

''Hello?'' I called out uneasily into the dark abyss.

Then that eery, shrill sociopathic cackle of laughter boomed through the darkness once again.

Still creepy...


Let's rewind a bit.

Where was I last?

I was...with Dipper and Mable...and then...

It finally all clicked, Mable read my diary, asked me why I was lying to them, and then I got dizzy, and boom darkness.

Wait, did I faint?

So this is what fainting feels like...huh.

I thought that being unconscious meant'' non-conscious."

How is my brain able to still comprehend and think in full sentences?

Maybe I won't remember this when I wake up.

Then the loud shrill ear-piercing cackle of laughter zipped through the darkness once again.

Okay...forgot about that... it's starting to get on my nerves.

So that means I'm not alone.

Wait am I unconscious or is my mind just deciding to play tricks on me?

I called out (very stupidly I might add) "HELLO?!''

I had a momentary flashback to every stupid cheesy horror movie ever made I've watched from birth, where they would trip over nothing when running away from a murderer, how they would hear a noise coming from the basement and decided to march stupidly towards their own death, and how I had mocked them...

Now in an ironic twist of fate, I stand here, calling out the word ''Hello'' to a potential psychopath who I cannot see as if he is in some invisible kitchen and is going to reply with something as casually as " Hey I'm In here, want a sandwich?"

The same shrill laughter pierced through the darkness coupled with "No need to fret dollface, it's just me."

A distinct9888 voice that I somehow recognized yet still couldn't quite place.

Suddenly out of the darkness a figure started to appear.

I had to squint at first as it was giving off a lot of light...a bright yellow light.

Coming closer, and closer until finally my eyes had adjusted and I realized that the figure in front of me was none other than the one and the only ...Bill Cipher.

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