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Lena and I showed up to class just in time to get to our seats at our lab table before Mr. Sergeant started telling us what our activity for the day was going to be.  Lena's boyfriend, Aston Irwin and his best friend, Harry Styles, had sitting at our lab table waiting for us. 

Mr. Sergeant started to talk about our lab and against my better judgment; my mind immediately starts to wonder. 

Ashton moved to California from Australia sophomore year of high school. Something about his dad being promoted in some huge company. Instantly every girl on campus was obsessed with him. How could they not be? He has dirty-blonde, wavy hair, that looks like sand when the sun is beating down on it, and liquid eyes that change from hazel to green depending on what he is wearing.

Did I mention he's pretty tall? Yeah.. I thought not.

But out of all the girls in the whole school (and surrounding schools really,) he picked Lena, and honestly, Elena and Ashton are perfect for each other. They get along perfectly, they are always thinking about the other before them selves, and they never argue about anything.  

Ashton treats her like his princess. Like she is the most valuable thing in the world to him. And Elena does the same.

Before their first date, Ashton was constantly ragging on me to get as much details about Lena out of me as he possibly could. Turns out, he was really good at reading between the lines. He took her to a carnival for their first date (which is something I knew she always wanted to do—but something I didn't tell Ashton— he just got her).

And they have been inseparable ever since... with the very frequent tag along of Harry and/ or myself.

I know we are only in high school, but I want to find love like Elena and Ashton.

Harry and Ashton suddenly stood up and started to walk to the front of the class from while Mr. Sergeant looked at them like they had just saved him from a pack of wild hyenas.

"I kinda... wasn't paying attention... like at all. What's going on?" I whispered to Elena while she was pulling out a pen and her notebook that had Mrs. Ashton Fletcher Irwin scribbled all over it.

I started to pull out my physics notebook and a pen as Elena answered, "Kate, you always pay attention? Anyways... Ash and Harry volunteered to help Mr. Sergeant demonstrate the lab assignment because no one else would."

Sure enough Mr. Sergeant was pulling out a huge slinky and handing one end of the slinky to each of the boys and telling them to pull the slinky tight so it almost didn't have any slack at all. Harry started to shake his end of the slinky as Ash his end still.

"They're demonstrating how a wave length travels," Elena inconspicuously whispered to me. I thanked her and started to really pay attention now—couldn't let my grades slip this early in the semester my senior year.

Harry and Ashton walked back to our lab table after the demonstration. As the individual groups broke up and start the lab I leaned over to Lena. "Liam was eating in his car again at lunch today." I murmured quiet enough so Ashton and Harry wouldn't hear.

"He always does, it's not like that's something totally out of the blue for him to do." Elena said back, just as quiet.

"Yeah but I just feel bad, it's senior year and he purposely makes himself and outcast."

"He wouldn't have no one if he hadn't bailed on you right before middle school started," Lena retorted gently "besides there are other boys around here that you would get along with a lot better with than Liam. Liam isn't the same boy you grew up with."

Elena had been my best friend since sixth grade. When middle school started we met for the first time and we just clicked. Now, Elena and I are as close as we would be if we had been born sisters. We understood each other perfectly, we could tell what the other was thinking before she said the first words. 

I looked up at Harry, knowing what she was about to say.

Elena and Ashton had been trying to hook Harry and me up ever since they got together our sophomore year. Two sets of best friends dating each other, what a cliché high school story.

Harry honestly is really attractive. His eyes are absolutely gorgeous; a shade of green that I don't even think has been invented yet. His hair falls in loose curls down to his shoulders. Sometimes Harry pulls it back into a man bun, and even though I tease him about being a wanna-be-samurai, I secretly loved it. He has the most rugged jaw line I have ever seen and a smile that is contagious. I think it's because his smile reaches up to his eyes, and you can tell he is being really genuine.

But above all else, his personality is the best thing about him. He is such a goob, and does things that are absolutely off-the-hinge, like I do. He is super fun to hang out with and has a great sense of humor. Harry and I are truthfully a lot a like.

Even though I think Harry is ridiculously attractive, for some reason, I just don't feel that intense, electricity feeling with him that Elena always tells me she feels with Ash—and I really want that.

I quietly clear my throat so I can talk as low as possible, Harry is after all only 2 feet away, "Lenny, you know I don't like Harry and I probably never will, like, yeah he's way hot but I don't think I could ever like him like that. Besides I'm sure he feels the same way about me."

"Your right... at least partially right." She said with a mischievous look in her eye, "He tells Ash he thinks you are hot all the time."

"Yeah well, he is a boy, he thinks anything with boobs is hot." I immediately fired back, "But I really don't want to have this conversation, again."

"Whatever, all I'm saying is your book with Liam is closed, he was super mean to you one time, and he hasn't tried to talk to you in almost 7 years. I don't think anything is going to be changing anytime soon." Lena whispered.

"His family was going through something I didn't know about when we got in that fight. It's not like I want to date him or anything. I just want to see how he is doing and see how his family is. He has a little sister I have never met and we were best friends growing up."

"And it was totally his fault that he got replaced by the next-generation model, which is totally better, if I do say so myself." Lena said with a wink. We both laughed and Ashton and Harry looked over at us with curious eyes.

"What are you girls giggling about?" Ashton said with a voice still thick with an Australian accent as he reached across the table to hold Elena's hand.

"The way you and Harry were jigging your arms around like a pair of baboons during that lovely demonstration." Elena quickly responded, rolling her eyes and shrugged her shoulders as she said 'lovely demonstration' in an Australian accent to mimic Ashton.

"Oh aren't you funny love?" Ashton said to Lena as we cracked up into another round of laughter and Harry stuck his tongue out at us.

"We should finish our lab so Mr. Sergeant doesn't make us stay after class to finish it then," I suggested.

"Sure, sure" Harry answered

As we all started to get back to our lab I leaned over to Elena and whispered "I'm gonna talk to Liam after school."

"Whatever, it's your funeral."

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