megumi fushiguro

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pale moonlight kissed the cheeks of fushiguro as he and y/n sat on a grassy hilltop. the air was chilled causing both teens to flush, and in megumi's case, a light shade of pink.

while y/n stole glances of her close friend, fushiguro stared into the endless abyss called the night sky.

y/n's teeth bit and snipped at her lips, the once soft plush skin now sore and nearly bleeding. her eyes glanced over to the male, gaze trailing his side profile as he watched the sky with a plain expression.

she felt the need to look away when a sudden fire broke out over her shoulders, eyes moving back to scan the sky for stars.

"how many stars do you think there are?" her wobbly voice broke the silence, sounding louder when compared to the once still air.

fushiguro didn't move nor hum to tell the girl beside him he heard what she had said. no, he laid still as a brick while she internally cursed herself for ever speaking.

the night was going great why'd she have to ruin it by talking? maybe she should just leave, fushiguro would probably be better off without her.

self hatred plague her conscious as they once again sat in silence.

"why think of the stars when i could think of you?" the two both flushed after fully taking in what the boy had said.

fushiguro was close to sighing and apologizing while y/n was damn near combusting.

as fushiguro opened his non-ripped and teared lips, y/n hurriedly said, "i think of you all the time." the black haired boy felt his lips fall shut before spreading in a small smile.

"sometimes i can't help but think of you." his words were much less rushed but the effect was still there. y/n held herself back from squealing, head turning away from fushiguro completely so he couldn't turn and see her face.

"i always find myself thinking of you, though i never dislike it." her words soft and whispered as the cold chill brought from the night washed over them.

"i could never dislike something when you're involved." his voice seemed to drop a peg compared to how he spoke before, though y/n refused to look at him.

"i wish we could talk more." her words were getting quieter and quieter.

"i wish we were more." his voice now matched how soft hers was, though his cheeks could never match now hot hers had grown.

"i wish you would ask me out." her voice squeaked, breaking as she was halfway through talking.

"y/n," she still didn't turn to meet his eyes, far too embarrassed from what she's admitted in such a short time span to one person, "look at me, please." his voice was as gentle as possible, he sat up and the sound of him moving told her so.

"i love you, megumi." her rushed words earned her the softest kiss humanly possible. soft pale pink lips pressed to her temple as she laid with her hand covering her face as she blushed. they stayed for only a second though the meaning behind them could last her centuries of lifetimes.

"i love you too, y/n." long snow white fingers brushed hair from his view of her features, her hair wrapped over his hand as he caressed her scalp while she laid still in place. "come on, it's getting cold and i'd like to look you in the eyes before we freeze." a dragged out whimper met his ears before he was blessed with the beauty before him.

"i should start reminding you of how gorgeous you are." another whimper was heard just before y/n went back to hiding, her face scrunched as she was dragged inside the warm halls of their school.

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𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘙 𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘙 𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘙 / 𝙟𝙪𝙟𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now