This story starts in a suburban house where the family Crack cocaine had to move out because their daughter got in trouble with the cops. Since life is tough and I'm the writer they had to move into the hood until the dad could get enough money for a new house or whatever. China kid, their daughter was not happy to move into the hood because everyone was prettier than her. On the first day of school she started the year very very very bad by starting a fight with the hood Princess Theresa. She tried to swing at Thérésa but because she was weak Teresa beat the leaving shit out of her. Teresa was pulled away by the T.E.S and China kid was brought to the nurse to get a bandage even tho all her bones were broken. Once she arrive in class miss Talisha Baddie III was teaching meth and ask China to take a seat next to Meghan and her baby daddy Dimitri Yohan The Third, her soon to be best friend.
🥶🥶 THE 🥵🥵 HOOD 💯💥 AFFAIR 😈😈
WerewolfTeresa the hood Princess fells in love with china kid, a new girl who got kick out of the suburbs. At first they hated each other but things took a turn when china kid help teresa hide a body, who's body well you will have to read to know the secret...