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Come on let’s play!” was all they said after they spotted the Ouija board in the shelf of my game room. I was hesitant due to the fact that most of the stories about these boards are true. They are haunted by lonely ghosts looking for company or in most cases … prey.

       I eventually agreed after their much unwanted mockery about my fear of the supernatural. Just to prove them wrong. ‘Way to go Adrienne, way to go’ I said to my subconscious who as usual, pushes me to do most things that end in a catastrophic way.

     Before I knew what was going on, they had already began ‘communicating’ with whatever ghost was a door blocking us from them. As we went on playing, it seemed like a pretty harmless game until the door shut and locked on its own. The cold wind that swept across the room was very odd and unmistakable seeing as it was the middle of summer. We all knew what was going on but we had to process it in our brains because it was simply unreal, unusual and otherworldly in fact. 

            Seeing as I didn’t want to be the first to speak after some sort of attack from the spirit realm, I left that to my best friend Irina to handle as she said “that was horrifying, I’m getting out of here!” As she got up to leave my room to join the rest of the party downstairs , we all clearly heard a voice boom and echo throughout the room … it clearly said, ”not so fast darling.” . She struggled to open the door but it was firmly shut and locked.

      My other friend Charlize passed out right at the sound of the voice. It was probably the shock that got her. I was mortified as well but I chose to keep my cool so the party isn’t ruined by the cops and paramedics. As the smart one of the group, Drew came to the conclusion that we should end the game immediately. We shut the box and put it away hoping never to touch it again.

I woke up at three am to the sound of a continuous and loud banging obviously coming from my closet. I got up to check out what it was and why it so urgently needed my attention so early in the day.

Turns out it wasn’t from my closet but from that stupid Ouija board. I said a silent prayer and went to sleep.

*”come to me darling…come to me at the other end … we would be together forever … we would be best friends darling…just let me come into you and we would pass the light together and sore right into eternal friendship…

Just join me …join us...” I ran out of my room trying to get away from the voice but it kept following g me ,repeating these exact words ”come darling come…”. I felt a light yet heavy weight pin me to the ground and it started to yell at me saying “don’t make me force you darling …don’t make me!”

“Let me go!” I screamed in utter agony. ”please just leave me alone!”*

             I woke up with a jolt and I was covered in a cold sweat. Just as I got up, I heard my all too familiar ringtone filling the room’s air space. The caller ID said Irina … I wonder what could be wrong. When I picked the call, I was blown away by the sound of a crying Irina. I was shocked mainly because Irina never cries and I was also in deep thought about what she could possibly be crying about.

“Rienne, the ghost…. It’s after me! I had a dream about it chasing me and telling me about eternal friendship and coming into the light … Rienne I’m scared!” she said with devastation noticeable in her voice. “That’s weird … I had that same exact dream…” I said in utter confusion.

“Oh dear  ... I think we are living our own our own Ouija story…” Irina said, still in tears.

“This is a coincidence … I should the call the rest of the people who were in the room last night… I’ll call you back later .please stay calm and don’t do anything stupid Rina ok?” I said to her with worry written all over my voice.

“Ok I’ll talk to you later “she said, ending the call quickly.

   I called drew, Charlize and everyone else who was in the room at that time and I got similar reactions from all of them but Drew who replied all my questions in a distant voice. I immediately realized that something was horribly wrong.

   Once I called Irina and Charlize, I requested for them to accompany me to Drew's house to find out exactly what the problem was.

         On getting to Drew’s house, we realized that his blinds were closed and a red x was painted right in the middle of his window.

 We walked in all with hesitant footsteps because of the growing fear within ourselves.

When we finally reached his room door I froze instantly. The fear had gotten to me and I immediately broke down and started crying on that very spot. So much had happened in 24 hours and I just couldn’t handle it.im used to living a normal life but that has been invaded by some ghost thing.

      After a few minutes I got myself together and slowly opened the door. Charlize first, me then Irina entered with our hearts in our shoes. I nearly passed out at the sight of drew with dark purple and red bruises on his face, his cheeks and eyes were affected most. But we saw this when he turned around from facing an Ouija board. Apart from his physical appearance, his room looked like a cementery.Quiet and covered in black duct tape for some odd reason.

   I felt heartbroken at the sight of one of my best friends looking so destroyed and demented…possessed in fact.

I later realized that neither of the four of us had moved yet 

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