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21st, Month Jenth, 5 AFGE

With a gasp, my eyes flew open.

My body was sore all over, especially my back, where I could still feel the lightsabre through my decoy's back. I quickly detached myself from the numerous wires connecting myself to the remote-control module, stagger out of the tube to a terminal and gave commands for the decoy to use all remaining power to maintain the dead body programme. I am finally free, free from the clutches of the empire... If they didn't notice anything amiss before they incinerate my 'corpse'. Which they most likely won't. It's honestly amazing how hopelessly clueless the stormtroopers were, considering they were the elites. Sometimes even the army troopers make better soldiers than those helpless fools do.

With a bounce in my step, I walked out of the chamber and into my hanger, where a relatively intact relic of a ship sat, awaiting repairs and modernisation. After all, the poor ship's over 3600 years old, it was only because of all that stuff that got piled on top of her that prevented her from turning completely into a rust bucket, but still, I had to replace a lot of parts. Now, after a few years of refurbishing, she was almost space-worthy again, only lacking some finishing touches.

The ship, after slumbering for thousands of years, really deserved to have a new name. Especially when her former name is Emperor's Wrath. Nope, just nope. I'm calling it the Phoenix. The Phoenix's interior was covered in carbon scorching, someone had shot up the place before they abandoned it in this junkyard of a planet, perhaps that's the only reason the ship's computers weren't wiped. According to the logs, this luxury shuttle-lookalike was once used by the Imperial Intelligence, Sith Empire; custom built to be used by them too and have the combat ability of a heavy fighter. She's just perfect for my needs, I think I'm falling in love with her already.

My base was built around the hanger, with all the different rooms arranged in a circle around it. Its entirety was buried under a mountain of trash on the planet of Lotho Minor and was completely undetectable. Well, if someone even bothered to look at all. I walked into my workshop, where a half-built astromech sat on the table. Whistling a happy tune, I plopped down on a chair and got to work.

1st , Month Aurek, 6 AFGE

'Anddddd... done!'

T7 beep mockingly at me, saying he could've done that in half the time.

'Shut up you little shit.'

Beeping sadly, the little droid rolled up into the Phoenix. The ship was ready for spaceflight now, I even found a few cans of paint that gave her a new look. Now, the X-70B has a grey paint job with sapphire highlights, looking sharp and fresh for the job. All my belongings are onboard, and the base was back to its original state: a cavern in a mountain of scrap. I was ready to go.

On the bridge, T7 had already plugged into the computer and started the pre-flight checks. I sat down at the command chair and placed my new lightsabre in the compartment next to the chair. Unlike my previous spinning monstrosities, this one only had a single blade and no spinning feature. I always hated that feature... It's for lazy little shits. Yet unlike other normal lightsabres, this one had a handguard. I had my fingers chopped off by Lord Vader too many times to not add hand protection to my sabre. The handguard was a basket hilt, made from beskar salvaged from a mando helmet, and are modelled after ancient vibroswords. Yeah, I won't get my fingers chopped off anymore.

With the pre-flight check complete, I activated the laser cannons and the turbolaser I replaced the concussion missile launcher with, seeing that I won't be able to get any missiles for that launcher anyways, and blasted my way out the side of the mountain. Breaching the atmosphere of Lotho Minor, following a beep from T7 that told me the hyperspace calculations to Tatooine were finished, I pulled the lever and we were away. To the pit of scum and villainy we went!

3rd, Month Aurek, 6 AFGE

Tatooine. A force-forsaken dust ball, home to the worse sort of scum in the galaxy. Just the place an ex-imperial could start her new life. I landed the Phoenix in Mos Eisley, activated the automatic defences in case someone tries something and went out to find a job.

The cantina was loud and crowded, as they often were. A live band was performing on a stage, bartenders were scurrying around, servant girls were getting groped... The usual cantina scene. I went up to the bar table and waved a bartender over.

'I'm looking for a transport job, got any recommendations?' I slipped a few credits to her.

'Would you transport passengers?' The girl asked.

'I'm not opposed to it.'

Pointing at the table in the corner, the girl said, 'Then go talk to that bald fallow wearing goggles on his forehead over there, the name's Ellis.'

'Okay, thanks.'

I walked over to the man and leaned on his table. 'I heard you require transport?' I asked.

The man looked at me up and down, 'Yeah, to Nal Hutta for three. 5000 credits each.'

'8000.' I countered

'6500, or no deal.'

'Alright. Meet me at dock 12... 2 standard hours from now. Name's Aaliyah.' We shook hands and parted ways.

Trilla Sudari was dead, the Empire had burned her to ashes. Rising from her ashes, was Aaliyah Rivera, the captain of the Phoenix. My little slicing job into the Empire's population database made sure of that.

In that two hours, I managed to refuel and rearm the Phoenix with time to spare, even managed to buy myself a brand-new DL-18 blaster pistol for just 500 credits. It was now sitting on my right thigh while my sabre hung on my left via a hook. With its unconventional shape, I doubt anyone was going to realise it as what it was.

Finally, Ellis arrived with some beefy-looking man with a rifle slung on his back, and a blue-skinned Twi'lek with a shock collar on. My view of Ellis immediately plummets. I hate slavers with a passion, that practice was barbaric, uncultured and disgusting.

'Here you are. Half up front.' I held out my hand, and he passed over a credit chip. 'Alright, this way.' I led them onto the Phoenix. I had done some remodelling, and the one large conference was now three smaller rooms, and the crew bedroom now only spots a single bed.

'Pick your rooms, the one upfront is mine.' I told them. 'We will be leaving as soon as the clearance comes. Don't try to mess with my ship, I will know.' I warned.

They dispersed and I went to the bridge, where T7 was running the checklist.

Soon after, the clearance came, and the Phoenix left the dust ball and entered hyperspace.


Well well well. Turns out she's not as dead as it seems, who would've thought? I'm sure no one sees this coming...

Anyways, here's a lil chappie for yall, enjoy! Leave your thoughts here! I would love to hear your feedback :)

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