Worst day ever.

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Heyyyy you probably wanna get to reading the story so I'll make this quick or try to. This is my first book as I mentioned in the description and please recommend things to put in this series, also give me critiques (corrections) thank you

The day started off normal in my opinion, I woke up, ate, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. Really there isn't anything to do so I decided to ask my mom if I could go to a concert this summer. "MOMMM" .... "MOMMM" "WHAT" she replies frustrated. "Can I go to this Ariana grande concert this summer?? I promise I will-" "no, I'm sorry hunny, you have to go to the malfoy manner this summer. I know I know it's annoying but me and your father just got assigned to go to Fuji in the muggle world." You pause for a second trying to process that she said "you have to stay at the malfoy manner this summer" you got so mad. "THIS IS SUCH BULLSHIT." You say " WATCH THE TONE MISSY. YOU KNOW WHAT. GO TO YOUR ROOM AND PACK. We are leaving in 30 minutes." You got so mad tears started to form in your eyes, you stomped upstairs into your room and slammed the door shut. "DONT SLAM THE DOOR" your mom said furiously downstairs. You pack everything you wanted to bring, deodorant,a toothbrush and toothpaste, clothes, socks, shoes, makeup,underwear and your facial cleansers.
You also pack your charger and a couple snacks because you probably won't be going out as much.

You go downstairs and get into the car, your mom still furious. It took about 20 minutes round trip to the malfoy manner. When you got there you where in awe, the place was beautiful but had rotten people inside. You still bare with them you just don't like them as much as your mom had hoped to, your mom knocks on the door and narcissia opens the door (sorry if I spelt her name wrong) "oh my goodnesss!! Hello!! You must be y/n oh my it's such a pleasure! Come come inside." She probably was the only person you haven't met in the entire family. Draco came downstairs and looked at you and smirked. Which was really really weird because he always raised his eyebrows at you or just gave you dirty looks. You didn't think to much of it, maybe he was having a good day so far. You grab your suitcases and make your way to the guest room ( you have been here before) you start to unpack when someone knock son your door. They open it and it's....

To be continued.

I'm making more towmarrow pls it's so late Istg-

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