Chapter Seven

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I was sitting at the desk in our dorm room when it happened.

Fiona. Fiona. FIONA.

I turned around, but no one was there. I probably was just tired. I turned back to my project-

She needs to be moved up a grade - no, two grades!

I winced and bent down, trying to focus on my work. But the voice came again.

Devi. Kelly. Devi and Kelly. They are a bad influence on her; I should get her a private dorm.

I grunted and clutched the sides of my head. "Make it stop..." I whispered.

Oh, and that pottery thing of hers? Totally a fake. You can tell from so far away that she has no talent.

"Um, excuse me!? I do too!" I said, dropping my pen. Kelly glanced up at me, concerned.

Ha! Look at her, trying to butt in on our conversation. RUDE!

"Says you!" I fired back. "You can't do anything either, can you?" Kelly looked up from her book abruptly. "Fee?"

Either! She said either! She agrees we both can't do stuff! Ha! She confirmed it, we are both fakes!

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. I stood so abruptly my chair clattered to the floor. It sent a bang sound throughout the dorm. Hearing the harsh clang, I started to cry.

"Fiona! Fiona!" yelped Kelly, her book falling into her chair. "Fiona, what happened? What's wrong? Fiona, snap out of it!" Then, when that did not work, she opened the door and yelled, "Someone get a nurse! Someone get a nurse!"


I woke up in the nurse's ward. Kelly was asleep in a chair by the side of my bed. Devi was talking to one of the nurses. I craned my neck to see a bag of fluid attached to my arm. A beeping machine on my other arm monitored my heart rate. I was in a standard hospital gown, baby blue with the crest of the school embroidered on it. I groaned, and Devi hushed the nurse, then hurried in.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" she said, kneeling down next to my cot. She glanced at the beeping machines, then the sleeping Kelly, then back to me.

"OK, I guess. What happened?" I asked. I could only remember doing my work. And then waking up here. And someone was yelling...

"Wait!" I shouted before Devi could answer. "Wait! I remember a voice! Someone was dissing me...and I told them off, and then...and...and then I don't remember anything else. Why can't I remember? Devi, I was there, but I can't-"

Devi made shushing noises and I felt the nurse turn on the sedative chemical. Thrashing around in my bunk, I eventually settled facing the bag of silvery drug. I strained my eyes and froze the liquid in the tube before it could reach my arm. I opened my mouth and tried to keep talking, but could only rasp, my energy exhausted by keeping the drugs at bay. The nurse tsked and the liquid broke free of my magic as she guided it into my viens. I watched the liquid drip into my arm.

"Devi! Stop her! Please! I have more questions!" But Devi only looked at me sadly and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Fee. It's for the best, I promise." She took my hand and ran her thumb over my palm soothingly. I frowned and started to take deep breaths. I could feel the medicine starting to work. But I could still feel her hand. It was so nice and calming...

I yelped as my arm started to go numb. I lost the feeling of her touch. Then my yelps subsided as my eyes shut, the numbness taking over my whole body and pulling me down. The last thing I could see were Devis' kind eyes, silently assuring me that everything would be OK.

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