Chapter 5:Talking (2)

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Camila's P.O.V

Angie-So guys, we are starting to plan our school show! Isn't that exciting?

Nobody in the class makes a sounds except for....Ludmila.

Ludmila-OMG! I'm SO going to be the female lead! Sign me up!

Angie-Hold on Ludmila! We still need to decide what it's going to be about! That's where you guys come in.

Naty-What about a love story?

Cami-Wow, thanks for making it sound even more shit that it already did...

Angie-Language! Plus it was a good idea,Naty.

Vilu-What about friendship?

Angie-Great idea! And it's different to what we usually do. Nice work Violetta.

Fran-I would prefer love to friendship. Despite what people say, in my case love last longer than friendship...

Angie-I am going to tell the other teachers about Violetta's idea since it's really good.Class dismissed.

The bell goes soon after and we all leave the room.Francesca grabs Leon's hand and walks away as Violetta sighs.

I put my arm around her and she looks even sadder.

Vilu-I just can't believe this.

Cami-I know but we have to stick together. It's just us from now on.

Maxi-And me!

Cami-And partially Maxi.

Maxi-Partially? I am part of the group too!

Cami-Well you were before you got with Naty.

Maxi-What does that have to do with anything?

Cami-All of us are single so you should be too.

Vilu-Cami, you aren't single.

Cami-Enough about Broduey.

Vilu-No I mean...

Cami-Shut it, ok?

 Broduey-Cami.We need to talk.Now.

Cami-I have nothing to say to you.

Broduey-You have nothing to say? YOU?!

Viu-Broduey calm down ok? You are making a scene.

Cami-I can take care of myself. Broduey, don't embarrass yourself ok?

Broduey-How could you?

Cami-I'm not doing this here.

Broduey-I love...loved you! And you left me! All summer I thought about what had happened to you. And you have nothing to say to me?!

Cami-I had a hard choice to make and I chose something else over you. And I'm sorry to say but you need to grow up.Get over it, get over me because we weren't even that serious. Stop acting like a whiny little bitch or go cry about it to someone else who cares because I sure as hell don't.

Broduey-So that's the choice that you have made?

Cami-It is and I am so happy that it is, now that I see what you're really like.

Maxi-Guys lets get out of here.

I do what Maxi says and we walk away from Broduey.

Vilu-That got pretty heated, are you alright?

Cami-I'm always alright.

Speaker-Can Camila Torres and Violetta Castillo report to the Principal's office. I repeat, can Camila Torres and Violetta Castillo report to the Principals's office.

Cami-I guess that's us.Lets go.

Violetta looks super nervous as we make our way to place that I have been to thousands of times so it doesn't really fase me.

We arrive there within a few minutes and despite Violetta's protests, I walk right in and drag her along too but soon I wish that I hadn't.Mr Fernandez and Mr Galindo are in there, along with two police officers.

Mr G-Girls, we need to have a little chat....


So next chapter, I am revealing where the girls have been over the summer and I am not too sure if it's what you guys expected or not. I dunno but so it's the next chapter xx

Sabrina xx

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