Chapter five

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————/2 weeks later\————

tw:clawing/scratching/hair pulling

Spencer sat up.He could do that now.He worked hard and it was paying off.He could sit up,he could talk,eat ,but he still had a little trouble walking on his own.Against Doctors orders he had been trying to walk to the nurses station to talk to Lexie.He found out her name by stealing her chart from the nurses files when no one was there.Well,he asked Garcia and Garcia feeling bad for him and being who she is ,she did it AND looked her up on her computer.To his surprise found out very little.

He learned that she was Dr.Meredith Grey's little sister and from social media posts seemed to have dated a Doctor Sloan,but it looked to be over.She is 24 and finished Medical school two years early.
He liked that.She was smart.He reached for his wheelchair next to his bed.He ,with some difficulty,got into it and headed for Emilys room.He saw that JJ was sitting in the bed.Emily was sitting by the window seat stuffing her things into her bag.
"Hey look who it is!" JJ exclaimed. Emily looked up from her task and got up.She could walk on her own now,She only had a few deep burns on her shoulder which she kept burn pads on.Her gut injury had healed except for a few stitches,and against Grey's orders she was ready to go home. "You heading home?" Spencer questioned.

Emily folded her arms and looked at the floor and then back at Spencer.JJ flicked her eyes between the two of them. "Um" Emily started.She looked at JJ. JJ realized she was trying to tell her to say it because she couldn't. "Dereks been arrested". "What!!?"Reid yelled out. "He the store and um...this guy ,he uh".JJ stumbled over her words. "WHAT DID HE DO JENNIFER!" Spencer coughed ,he was straining his throat. Emily spoke up. "Derek shot him,and because he wasn't on duty they arrested him,and as we all know the cops in his town look for any reason to take him down". "why,WHY...did Morgan shoot someone!?" His voice cracked and his eyes filled with water. JJ and Emily made eye contact and spoke at the same time. "He had a kid". " There was a kid". JJ cleared her throat. "There was a kid involved and Derek saw the same kid on the news the day before,he-he had gone missing.And um..he approached him to which he was "greeted" by a gunshot.

So he pulled his gun and shot back." Emily turned around and sniffled.Reid figured she started crying. "Okay so go save him". Spencer stated with authority. "I love you both but go get him and bring him back,i have Lexie and Garcia ,go GET HIM!" "Um Garcias coming with us.." Emily coughed out. "Okay good take her and leave". "Spence-" JJ started sympathetically. "No Jennifer stop ,GO?" Emily picked up the rest of her things and hugged Spencer and walked out. JJ looked at Spencer trying to see his face ,but he turned his face away.JJ set her hand on his shoulder.Bent down and picked up her bag and left the room.
He couldn't open his eyes .He was scared and tired and so so afraid.Tears flooded out of his eyes .He gasped for breath and gagged on air.He sat there and sobbed.He jumped as he felt a small hand on his shoulder.


She saw Spencer in Emily's room and headed towards him.She stopped short when she heard crying.She walked slower and her smile faded.She set her hand on his shoulder and he jerked.His head shot up. "Oh! Its just you".
Lexie smiled sadly. "yup just me". She walked around to his other side and sat on the floor in front of him.She crossed her arms on his lap and laid her head down.He grabbed her arm and continued crying.She got up to her knees and hugged him.He grabbed ahold of her and sobbed into her neck.She sat on him as to become more comfortable . "Look I don't know what happened,you don't even have to tell me but I'm right here ,I've got you,I've got you." Reid sniffled.He wiped his nose and settled himself to where he sat his arms over Lexie's legs. "My brother was arrested and I can't go help him",he said while looking at his hands. "Ohmygod,im so sorry".

He looked up at her and she looked him in his eyes.He pulled her face into his in a passionate kiss.They moved as one ,in a rhythm.Lexie pulled herself out of the kiss for a breath.She giggled and smiled . Reid looked at her and smiled.Lexie went back in but stopped herself short. "Wait wait". "What whats wrong im sorry should i have not done that" Reid turned red as he said it.He pulled his hands away feeling bad. " No it was great i loved it" she pulled his hands from the air into her hands. "I just- are you doung this because you need a distraction or because you want me?" Reid smiled and squeezed her hands. "I want you, I definitely want you,ive wanted you since i first opened my eyes almost a month ago,you get along with my friends,you cared for me before i even knew your name ,i want you."

He laughed softly. Both their eyes filled with tears. Happy tears.
"It also just happens to help distract me" he joked. Lexie belly laughed and pulled herself into him.He grabbed her waist and pulled her into him.She felt light ,she felt happy and warm.
Reid broke for air and they both had the biggest smiles on their faces. Spencer thought to himself "Thank you Derek,now don't get yourself in any more trouble."His eyes brimmed with happy and sad water.He smiled and hoped Derek would be okay. "Everything will work out okay" lexie said breathlessly. She smiled from ear to ear and felt Spencers hands trace her back .

Her breath hitched as his hands found her lower back and traced circles in it.She arched her back as his other hand parted her legs to straddle him.She stopped him. "Wait!" She gasped out. She grabbed the wheels on the chair and wheeled them backwards and shut the door and locked it with her nimble fingers.Reid laughed heartedly.She sat back down. " okay now".She dived into him and kissed him with all her might.His hands laid on her thighs and walked his hands up to the rim of her shirt and pulled it off interrupting the kiss.Reid connected their kiss again. Lexie moaned into his mouth.

She felt him smile.He reached around her and with one hand unclasped her bra.She grabbed the straps off her shoulders and threw it across the room.She ripped his shirt open and untied his pajamas pants.She felt him growing underneath her hands.She giggled and he took a deep breath and threw back his head.She stood up and threw off her pants and pulled his off and jumped back onto him. "Are you sure about this?" Reid asked stopping Lexie from going any further. "Yes yes im sure" she said trying to find her breath. "Alright then,continue". He smiled and licked his lips.He looked her up and down and began kissing her chest.

He laced his fingers in her hair and pulled it slightly.Lexie moaned loudly.Reid covered her mouth.She opened her mouth and pulled his thumb into her mouth. "One more thing." Lexie popped his fingers out off her mouth and dragged it along her neck and chest. "What is it baby" she said in a low voice. "A safe word" reid said very matter of factly. "Lava" Lexie said as she kissed his neck.
"Good" Spencer grumbled as he picked her up to set her on him.Her back arched and a low moan left her mouth.Reid smiled villainously and thrusted up into her .She leaned forward and her hair splayed across his face .He reached up and grabbed it as she rolled foward on him.She bounced backwards and forwards quicker and quicker and felt it building in her stomach.

His head rested on the back of the chair as he moved with her.She scratched and clawed at his back as she was reaching climax.He thrusted hard and quick making her finish.He continued through it,making her legs shake and she begged him to stop but continued.A few moments later his followed.They sat there breathing in deep breaths. He pulled her onto his chest and sat there for an hour until Lexie fell asleep.He stayed there for a minute before he woke her up and told her " we should probably get dressed before someone needs this room". "You're probably right".She got up and got dressed and helped Spencer re-dress .She opened the door and wheeled him out and to his room.

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