{First Date Gone Bad.}

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I held a picture of Kavan and I of when we were young. She were in the back of an old van my parents use to have. The seats were taken out and blankets and pillows were everywhere. We were hugging each other, smiling widely at the camera. Even though it had been in a van, we were seriously happy because we all had each other. We were close and happy.

But now Kavan gone.

I brought my other hand up to the picture and was ready to tear it up but my heart wouldn't bring me to do it. Tears stung my eyes and I only manage to make a tiny little tear. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, fighting the tears back. No, I won't cry. Kavan may have disappointed me but he's still my brother.

There was a knock on the door. Rosa paused her video game and went over to her door. I lifted my head to see Ander on the other side. “Hey can I have a moment alone with Thalia for a moment?”

Rosa looked annoyed and he gave her a hard look. She scoffed, “Five minutes, Evander.” she said before walking around him. “I have a village to conquer."

Ander walked in with a bag with some clothes brand in it. I set the picture face down and made room for him on the bench at the window. He sat down across from me and set the bag down next to him. “How are you?” he asked. “You seem to be thinking allot after yesterday.”

“Kavan and I always been close to each other our whole lives. He wasn't just my brother but my best friend. We always had each other backs. I feel like a part of my heart has been ripped out.” I admitted since it was true. Kavan was my only friend since I could never stick around somewhere long enough to make some.

“I know maybe this isn't what you want to hear but you have me now.” he said. I just stared at him for a moment because I didn't know how to respond to that. Am I suppose to say thank you? I didn't really want to since I still wish Kavan was here. Ander can't replace my brother. He sighed, looking out the window for a moment before turning back to me, “I want to make you happy, Thalia. I'll try to do anything to make you happy.”

“You don't have to do anything, Ander.” I said. “We're already getting married.”

He stared at me with a serious face for a moment, “That doesn't mean you should go into it unhappy. I want to prove I can be the best man possible suited for you.”

“My parents think your amazing alre—”

“Stop that.” he said and my eyebrows furrowed together. “Always with some smartass comback. You know what I meant. Want normal? Fine.” He stood up, “Get ready, I'm taking you to get something to eat and a movie.”

“Huh?” I questioned. “Never thought that's how I'll get asked. Anyways I don't have anything nice to wear for a date. Just Salvation Army clothes.”

He picked the bag up and handed it towards me, “I knew you might say that to get out of it. Our moms helped me pick something out for you.”

I slowly took the bag and opened it a little to see some clothes in it. I took the white laced long sleeve shirt out with bra padding inside so I wouldn't need to wear one. I pulled out the navy blue high waisted ruffle skirt, knowing it may stop mid-way on my thighs with black leggings. Also a pair of black ankle boots.

I looked up at him, “Why'd you buy me this?”

“You don't like it?” he asked.

“No, I do. I just don't understand why you did.” I told him.

“Because I wanted to for you.” he said and I opened my mouth but he brought his index finger up to his mouth. “Shh, don't wanna hear it Thalia. Just appect my gift. How does leaving in hour sound?”

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