So in the newest episode "Grandpa's Great Adventure", Pip is on his flypad studying animal facts. He then moves onto flamingo facts. And for a spilt second, the screen shows what seems to be a baby flamingo on the flypad. (Don't know about you, but they look like a middle-aged woman instead of a baby to me).
Keep note that this is the first Flamingo besides Freddy that we ever seen (Except for the Flamingo Five guy, but he's a video game character. Doesn't count). So I was very excited when I first saw this. Will they deliver a baby flamingo in the future? (I'm starting to believe jpxavashipper's theory about the new episode "Baby Freddy" even more now).
Well, I guess we will find out soon when the episode comes out. I just thought this was a cool little thing the developers put in and had to talk about it. Well anyways, cya!