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Morning alarm(600 hrs)
Raven wakes up from her bed.
Raven;Oh(touches her head)I didn't even drink.(she opens her eyes properly and sees).

Cavan;Anh finally she has awaken.
Raven couldn't speak.
Cavan stands up from his seat which faced her bed and pettied Enda.

Cavan;Can't speak,flawless,red cheeks ,round face,no jawline whatsover,light skin,no heavy make up,sleeps like a dog,no morning breath,clean nails(describes her)
Raven screams.

Regan's room.
Passed out on the couch and Whitney sleeps roughly on the bed,couldn't hear a thing.

Devlin's room.
He plays video games with headphones on and couldn't hear a thing,but his dog on the other hand.

Raven's room.
Raven;Who are you and what are you doing hear?
Cavan;Rude,My intention is pure i swear,(smirks)my game is to hunt and to hunt the souls i am summoned to.
Raven;Are you a witch or something?
Cavan;Oh no(plays with his stick)On the country I am the darkhorse.
Raven;And what's a dark horse?
Cavan;It hunts.
Raven;Why me??
Cavan;I am led here,there is an energy i can't fathom.
Raven;What are you going to do with me.
Cavan sits down and plays with Enda again.

Cavan;Nothing in particular and you cant tell anyone,or they die.

Suddenly Devlin comes in
Devlin;Race you to the bathroom.
While his dog smells something but cant actually get the hang of it.

Raven;He didn't,see...(her heart wearily).
Cavan;Oh yeah one more thing no one can see,hear or feel me unless well i desire so expect you.

Devlin's dog goes out of sight.

Raven swallows it.

Minutes later.
She gets out of the shower and meets Cavan on the door.

Raven;You dont have to stand there you know(in a towel).
Cavan;Where are my manners?(he steps closer).
Raven;Haha very funny,(passes him by to get clothed)so are you gonna do this all day?
Cavan;Day?Make it your entire life.

In the bus.
She sits looking outside,Cavan next to her.
A passanger comes and wanted to sit next to her.
Cavan;Tell him,he cant.
Raven;I cant possibly?
Cavan;Well he cant sit on me,can he?
Raven;I thought he cant see you or feel you.
Cavan;Oh dear,but I can.
Passanger tries to sit.
Raven;Uh(sneezes many times)sorry i got the flue(sneezes again).
Passanger scared went and sat on the other side.
Raven;You see what you made me do,now he thinks i got thr flue.
Cavan;(Cleans his clock using his suit)i never told you to tell him you have that.
Some dude;Yoh,who you talking to??(on the next seat).
Raven;No one inparticular(looks at him in anger).
Cavan;(In pretend)Ouch my feelings.
Raven rolls her eyes.

Rockiewheel High.
Raven takes her books from her locker,she then locks it and Milo was behind.
Raven;Ahh,you startled me.
Raven;Duhh(looks around for some clue).
Milo;So i looked for you everywhere yesterday,where did you run off to?
Raven;I actually,I dont remember(walks to the class)after the blackout.

Fletcher(the captain of the science club walks by)
Fletcher;You looked great yesterday,too bad i didn't get the chance to dance with you Valey.
Raven;I uhh,I (he walks away)he does my name(manages to say something as she drools).
Milo;He clearly noticed you only yesterday.
Raven;The captain of science club,he got the brains,the looks,the eyes(day dreams).
Milo;And he didn't ask you out now did he??
Raven;Agh your so negative.

For almost a mere second she forget she was troubled with a demon.

History class.
Mr.Walter;Now we believe our continent was discovered by nonother than the late Christopher Columbus in the late 1490's,only the first generation being the red indians(continues reading from a book and dries his sweat).

The whole class had it on their faces.
What is it with him??

Then Cavan came in.
Song playing;Trent Tomlinson,Country is my rock.

Raven's heart skips a bit.
Raven;No not here.
He walks majestically to the back of the room.
She could he exactly what he said.

Cavan;Honestly Raven,for a school this is a little small dont you think?oh and you dont wanna know what the actually keep in the lunch you takw here,the garden is a bit dry.

Raven;Shut up.
Milo sees Raven muttering something.

Cavan;(Continues blaberring)Oh let me not start on the male lockerroom,all the do is talk about girls and miniskirts,isn't there more than that to this century,uh and i heard one speaking of what do they call them these days,hottest girl in town huh?

Raven;(Got furious and shouted)would you shut uppppp...!!!
The whole class was in aww..

Mr.Walter;Anh Ms.Valey to the principal's office right away.
Raven;I uh,i am so sorry Mr.Chuckles.
Mr.Walter;Noooow.(rubbing his sweat with a hanky)
She quietly stood up,took her backpack and left the room.

Cavan;Oh well (follows her).

On the hallway.
Raven;Stay away from me.
Cavan;Anh that plane has been cancelled.
Raven;You know that was your fault.
Cavan;Didn't anyone teach you to focus in class?
Raven;You,(breathes out heavily)stay here!!dont come in with me ok?

She goes in.

Minutes later.
Raven;Thanks to you,I now have detention.
Cavan;Its not like you have places to be.
Raven;Excuse you?
Cavan;I have read your files,does her homework,Straight As,teachers pet,does tennis.
Raven was startled.
Cavan;What i just couldn't sit here and do nothing.
Raven;How many?
Raven;Tell me.
Cavan;Only a couple.
Peyton;Girl you alright??
Raven;Yeah i just um.
Peyton;Dont be talking to yourself like that,its creeepy.
Raven;I'll keep that in mind.(frowns)

Cavan;Mhh shall we eat??I am starving.
They head to the cafeteria.

They make a line and took broth and brocolli.
Raven found a place to sit and Milo went to sit next to her.
Milo;You ok??
Raven;Yeah just detention
Milo;How long?
Raven;Two hours,three days,two weeks i get to pick(plays with her food).

Cavan seats at the edge reading a woman magazine and wonders.
Cavan;Is this even legal.
Raven rolls her eyes.
Cavan;Hey Raven look(smiles).
Raven concentrates on her meal.
Cavan;Raven you cant avoid me forever.
Raven looks her food then turns back amd forcefully smiles.
Cavan;Your world aint that bad,not bad at all.

Ayisha;Shut up(a table around the cafe said and they laugh).
Milo;Looks like your famous Raven.
Raven swallows it.
Raven;Oh men.
Fletcher got in with his friends and got some food he went to sit in a cozy high table.
Ayisha came by and whispered something to Fletcher and laughed his heart out.
Fletcher;Valey come sit with us.
Fletcher;Come on,come.
Raven couldn't control her body for a second and stood up.
Milo;Your going?
Raven;They are calling,promise i'll meet you in french class.
Milo got pissed.

She goes and they give her a space next to Fletcher.
Wyatt;Yow girl,i heard your story,that shit was lit.
Fletcher;I agree takes some courage to do that to Mr.Walter,he is a snake that bits everyone and i mean everyone.
They laugh and she joins in.
Fletcher;So Raven(rubs her hand softly)

Cavan;Anh(rolls his eyes)teenagers.
He continues reading his magazine.

Milo was totally confused.

Moments later.
Raven got out of the cafe.
Cavan;Did it go well?
Raven;(Unbelieving)shut up a second,i just got asked out.
Cavan;Fletcher Royal?The science captain/straight A scorer/champion in football but oh doesnt play because he got a major leg injury?replaced by Wyatt Colins his best friend from elementary.
Cavan;Told you i did a couple of those.

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