7; bathroom door

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a couple of weeks have passed and i'm focussing on two things right now.. my test and upcoming birthday party. my test and birthday are next week. the test is on a wednesday and the party friday.

i've recently become closer to jiung since that day but we're still friends. he apologized about the kiss but it didn't matter to me since he's not the one i like. we talk more in class and go to movies together.
he helps me alot with my studies but he sure is a crackhead. i now talk with intak since jiung was not in class for a week. he got a cold after we ran in the rain bcs we forgot our umbrella's. he's now better..

keeho is still in a relationship with lana which was no news for me. like ms. yulana said, the fortune teller, keeho will have a good life with lana and their relationship will never end and they'll even marry.. like huuuhhh

lingering feelings for keeho is what i don't wanna have.


"yeonjun why are you not sitting with your friends?!"
"and why are you sitting with a friend? who is a boy!?"
yeonjun and i both look at a smiling jiung who's drinking his soda. he laughed and puts his soda back down. he took a spoonfull of mashed potato and shoved them in my mouth. i almost choked. i hit jiung's arm as yeonjun stood up.
"where you going?"
"internet cafe, i'll be home late. don't wait for me"
"today's monday, it's not weekend. mom's going to kill you"
"well, she won't if u don't open ur mouth"

he walked away and left the shop with his friends. jiung and i both ate and spoke about the upcoming test. i'm confident that i'll get 60 or more out of 100. i don't wanna let my mom down tho. jiung's phone rang and he stood up to take his call. i took my phone and opened a game. i played for a minute when i heard someone yelling my name

i lift my head up and saw lana waving to me. i fake smiled and waved back. she walked towards me when i saw keeho walking behind her holding her hand.
"omg you're here yn"
"i can see that too"
"with who are you here!?"
"don't yell keeho baby"
i smashed my lips together and muffled a laugh. he looks at me and made a questioned face.
"i'm here with jiung"
"oeh hot couple, right babe"
"no lana, we're not together"
"hey, you guys are here too?"
"oohh, couple necklace i see there"
"fyi, it's a bestfriends necklace lana"
"jeez, sorry jiung"
"are we going to order or something lana!?"
"what's wrong with you?! don't yell"
"well, will you stop?! yn already fucking told you that they aren't together! now let's order or i'm going home"
"omg is my baby mad?"

she cupped keeho's cheeks and oh lord.. i'm cringing
she gave him a kiss and stood up to order. keeho fake coughed and i look at jiung who was frozen. i gave him a little push with my shoulder when he shook his head and took a sip of his soda
"i don't know what happened, but don't ever do that infront of my mashed potato"

keeho kicked my foot when i drank my orange juice. he apologized and looks straight in my eyes. i look back at him making eye contact. i sighed and excused myself to go to the restroom. i bumped with lana and soda fell on her blouse. i quickly took a tissue and wiped it. she held my hand and stopped me what i was doing
"it's okay yn, you've done enough"
"i'm sorry.."
"thank you for telling me that keeho likes me"
"y- yeah sure"
she walks away with her food and i mentally slapped myself and went to the restroom, wanting to forget what i did that day


i was done doing the dishes and sat down on the sofa when i got a notification. i smiled as i opened the text i got cus who wouldn't smile if they would get a text from this person..


you asleep?

what do you want?
no, i'm ded


bitch i know
it was just a..


nothing much
sucking lana's toes?

ew no
u weird

and so are you
so stop texting me

we both weird
so we can communicate better
weird person meets weird person are bestfriends

did u just typed 'bestfriends'?
bitch fuck off
i'm not ur fucking friend

why u gettin mad?!
yk what

i groaned in annoyance and threw my phone on the table. yeonjun came in the livingroom and sat down next to me. he ate some ice cream. i moved my head closer to him since i smelled what flavour ice cream he's eating. i opened my mouth but he ignored me. i opened my mouth again and went closer to his ice cream. he pushed me with his shoulder to the edge of the sofa. i pouted and turned the tv off and stood up. he screamed my name and stood up to ran after me. i ran to my room and wanted to close the door but he managed to push the door open making me fall hard on my butt. He laughed and sat down on my bed. i rolled my eyes and sat down on my chair infront of my desk and opened my geographic book to make my homework.

"you still like chocolate ice cream?"
"you still love mom more than me?"
"you hate maths more than anything in the world?"
"your birthday is coming up?"
"you're turning eighteen?"
"you still love keeho"

i froze and turned my chair around as yeonjun shook his head and smiled. he hummed and walked out of my room. i sighed and went to my closet and opened my little box when i saw that it's gone. my diary is gone!


keeho pov

i was taking a shower when i heard someone knocking on the door. i did my towel around my waist and unlocked the door. jiung came inside and turned the hairdryer on. i stood next to him and brushed my teeth. he turned it off and starts to brush his teeth too. we both turn to each other at the same time and laughed. i rinsed my mouth and wore a shirt i brought with me.

"why did you close the door. you never do that"
when i was in yn's body i closed the bathroom door or her bedroom door. now it's a habit..
"we're all boys dude and btw don't have something to ask?"
"about yn?"
"what's there to ask about her? i mean.. are you with her?!"
"don't yell. she fucking likes you dude.. idk what u see in lana but damn you got no taste"
"lana is hot"
"nehh.. but yn is.. very different"
"so you like her?"

"i did.. if i spend two more days with her, i can like her again. what's the use in telling you that yn likes you. you broke her heart and wrote that nasty ass caption about her, telling that the kiss was nothing. bro, i fucking kissed yn and she told me that the kiss meant nothing to her cus she likes you! do you know how i felt. she likes you like you like lana, which lana is a hoe! she's not just dating you but also justin who sits with yn's brother yeonjun. keeho you're just blind. i liked yn for a very long time but the feelings are now gone since she likes you very much and i don't wanna break the friendship between me and yn. you're just fucking blind"

jiung left the bathroom. i'm feeling sadness, anger and regret in one. sadness bcs i rejected her and posted that awfull caption, anger bcs jiung and yn are so close which makes me jealous and what! they even kissed, regret bcs i chose for a girl who's cheating on me that promised that she'll stay forever in my life which was all a lie.

what am i going to do?


p1harmony once said: did you not see me burn that tortilla?

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