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»Be loyal and faithful.
»Learn to appreciate people.
»Give 50% of your love to your someone special but give the 50% rest to yourself.
»Sometimes, the person you want most, is the person you're best without.

Thank you to all those people who clicked on this book. Let's say I am not confident in my writing skills because I am no writer in the first place but I appreciate all those people who stayed in the end. I tried different genres and romance isn't really my cup of tea, but here we are. I started it already and there's no backing out now.

If there are any mistakes, let me know. I am still learning and working out my writing preference so expect some mixed writing styles.

I am still learning.

I think it is time to wrap it up now guys. Flicker of Something and its casts are giving their full thanks and are now signing off.

See you on my upcoming works.

Flicker of SomethingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon