✿𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 5✿

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(I just wanna say that I will be skipping to the whole school day snice I'm a lazy writer also this will be the last chapter of the bunny x doggy story and I really just wanna say my thanks to everyone who has been giving me nice comments on this story I really do appreciate it very much and I'm very story if this is the end anyways onto the story-)
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Bunnys Pov-
As I was at the cafe I decided to wait for doggy at one of the tables, as I was waiting I decided it might not hurt to order a drink while I was waiting for my date as I was done ordering my drink the waitress then brings my carrot juice to me and walks away to order from other customers, as i was taking a small sip of my drink i noticed that doggy had came walking over to my table while holding some daisy's in his hand, he sat down and smiled at me as he then gave me the flowers I smiled as I took a sniff of the daisys, awe gee ty I luv them, I said with a bit of blush forming on my soft rabbit cheeks, uh h-heh I'm g-glad u like em so how's it going?, Doggy said while a little bit of blush was also forming on his cheeks, it's going good what about you, I said as I then started sipping more the drink the waitress gave me, m-mines great also ahah..,doggy said as he looked down trying to hide his blush, hm? Did I say something wrong.., I said in a more softer tone, n-no...Its n-not u I.. just...erm..can I tell you something important bunny..?, Doggy said while looking more serious while blushing a deep dark crimson red, uh..sure..?, I said a bit confused while also worried at the same time..

Doggys pov-
Look bunny...I just w-wanted to- uh say...we should probably order! Something off the menu snice we are at the cafe! Heck I'll even pay!, I said even though I wanted to tell her that I like her! but I couldn't sadly.., I think I will tell her at my favorite spot while we're together alone, as me and bunny ordered our food we both decided chat more about our life and school and just hangout

•Few hours past•

As me and bunny were leaving the cafe I decided that me and her should take a walk together in the park snice I wanted to bring her to my favorite spot, as we were chatting while walking to the spot at the park I then stopped snice we were already here at my favorite spot near the trees up the hill side, I then took a deep breath as I then looked at bunny, she also stopped and looked at me with those beautiful green emerald eyes, I took a deep breath while blushing Brightly as ever, bunny I have something very important that I want to tell you..., I said while blushing more deeply as ever, go on ahead..I'm listening.., bunny said as she was blushing also, I then started walking up to her while looking closely deeply into her eyes, I then thought that words weren't enough so I leaned in and kissed her soft pink lips while holding her soft cheeks together with my hands, she was a bit startled but eventually kissed back, as I pulled away from the kiss I then embraced her tightly, bunny... I just wanted to tell you that I uh..., shh..heh..I love you too actually...,bunny said as she giggled softly while embracing me back, I giggled softly while my tail was wagging happily then ever..as we both stayed in that position

•The end•
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✿•More Than Friends..? Bunny x Doggy Love Story•✿Where stories live. Discover now