Wishful Thinking: Fangirl Adventures

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Alexses(I Share What Happened Before UKISS Flies to Peru)

            ‘I can’t believe you’re really going to Peru!’ Alexses held out her arms as they walked towards the waiting area of the airport. She turned her sparkling brown eyes towards the seven people behind her as she started to skip backwards, her newly-permed raven black hair swinging and bouncing. The boy standing right in front of her started and raised his hand as if to pull her back. However, she was otherwise unmindful of the bustle of people she was narrowly missing trampling over –if that was possible considering her height. ‘I’m so jealous!’ she looked at Kevin’s hand, frozen in midair and shook her head.

            ‘You’ve known about it for more than three months,’ Soohyun muttered dryly, pulling off the dark glasses perched on the bridge of his nose and revealing his unusually expressive dark eyes. He looked at Alexses with an ironically stoic look on his face and fell into step beside Kevin.

            She narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Why are you such a buzzkill?’

He remained expressionless. ‘You’re my sister.’

Alexses huffed indignantly. ‘Temporarily. Thank goodness for that. And that doesn’t mean you can treat me like a pest.’

‘That,’ he answered, ‘is not a matter of choice.’ It was almost inaudible, as he said it, ruffling his already artfully-tousled brown hair. Except Alex heard it quite clearly. She opened her mouth to say something positively foul in retaliation, but Camille went hurrying towards her and twirled her around so she was again facing forward.

‘Ho.’ She chuckled nervously. ‘Better divert this conversation before it turns to a bloodbath.’ She turned her blond-tinted head towards Soohyun and glared. The boy held up his hands in mock surrender. Then to the younger girl, ‘Don’t mind him, Alex.’

‘I can’t believe him.’ Alexses rolled her eyes.

‘Don’t worry about that, Lexi,’ Kiseop said, falling into step beside her. Then louder so that Soohyun can hear him. ‘His pants are a bit too tight. Cuts off the circulation to his brain.’

The boys chuckled to Kiseop’s innuendo –which was cut off immediately when Soohyun threw them a dirty look.

‘I can’t believe these morons,’ Alex muttered again, earning a glare from the boys. Camille led her to one of the seats and made her sit down. ‘Stay still, Alexses.’

She looked at Camille like the girl just said something in Ancient Greek. ‘That’s three hours.’

Camille shrugged.

The other girl looked around at the six boys for some sort of rescue. ‘That’s three hours!’ she whined pathetically and furrowed her brows.

‘You do have a habit of disappearing and delaying our plans,’ Hoon muttered, turning his sleepy eyes to her. ‘Like that time in Japan.’

‘That wasn’t my fault!’ she appealed. ‘The map was upside down!’

‘You insisted you knew how to read Japanese,’ Soohyun reminded her quietly.

‘I said, I knew Japanese, you moron.’

‘And that you were familiar with Tokyo.’

‘But -’ Alexses stopped talking and looked around at them with pleading eyes. First it was Camille, who shook her head. After that, the weird, pathetically cute expression seemed to increase intensity as she rounded on each of them. First it was Dongho, who’s eyes widened, but didn’t say anything; then Eli and Hoon, who both cleared their throats uneasily.

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